My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    ColorChallenge - Wednesday Yellow - Yellow Flower

    February 28, 2018

    For today's color challenge, I have a Yellow color flower which looks stunning. ![IMG_20180225_181317.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Again a Beautiful Sunset

    February 27, 2018

    This was around 6 PM when the sun was about to set with clouds all over the sky. Two pictures with two angles. ![IMG_20180227_180603.jpg]( ![IMG_20180227_180519.jpg]( The below pictures are taken at 6:30 PM when the sun was set but the clouds exist and orange in color ![IMG_20180227_183337.jpg]( ![IMG_20180227_183233.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6

    ColorChallenge - Monday Red - Fruits for Healthy Life

    February 26, 2018

    In India when people do fasting they usually eat fruits and vegetables. If you see its actually good to have one meal in a week as a fruit diet because it will remove the toxic things from your body and makes your body feel light. ![IMG_20180223_151858.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6

    When nature's Beauty Combined with that of Man Made Beauty

    February 25, 2018

    As we all want the Man should adopt nature as it best friend and always keep nature's element in close vicinity. The below picture is a perfect example, where a man-made lake has been created but also kept trees to give shade to people along with the cool breeze of the water. People staying the apartment will always have a great view. ![IMG_20180225_173437_2.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Food Photography - Varities

    February 23, 2018

    The varieties of food in a fully laid table. ![IMG_20170302_124734520.jpg](


    Color Challenge - Thursday Green - Path

    February 22, 2018

    This is a bridge which connects between two end of the river. The best part is, there is A waterfall in just 100 meters so you get to feel the water splash all over your body.

    Camera : Nokia 6

    Introducing Utopian's Gatsby Plugin

    February 22, 2018

    Gatsby is a static site generator for React. Thus I thought of using it to show all my Utopian posts as a blog. Gatsby has a list of plugins which includes Wordpress, Firebase etc, thus I created Utopian Plugin so that anyone can create their Static site which will show the list of contribution one has done in a field of Open Source. The demo site code can be seen in, its part of this Development Contribution. The demo site sits on []( ![image.png]( To Start with this Plugin you need to install it using `npm install gatsby-source-utopian` and then add it to the gatsby-config.js file In the gatsby-config.js file you need to add the gatsbt-source-utopian as shown below, where user is the username for which you would like to get all the posts where user is your username. ``` module.exports = { plugins: [ { resolve: 'gatsby-source-utopian', options: { user: 'codingdefined', }, }, ], }; ``` Once done you can query the GraphQL using the below query which will give you all the information about the posts. ``` { allUtopianPost{ edges{ node{ id permlink author category created url } } } } ``` ![image.png]( Then we have changed the index.js to get the information from the GraphQL. ```

    {{ node }) => (
    {node.title} in {node.json_metadata.type} category on {new Date(node.created).toLocaleDateString()}
    ``` It is very simple site which will give teh Title and which category it was posted and when it was posted. Once you click that it will take you to Utopian posts. ### Technology Stack - Node.js - Gatsby - Utopian NPM Package ### Roadmap Create a full fledged blog with Utopian Contribution ### How to contribute? You can create issues or features in either of the repository - (The Source Plugin) - (The Blog)

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    GitHub Connection and Linked Pull Request not Updating

    February 19, 2018

    #### Expected behavior When you open a dev post of any other user than the current user, the GitHub Connection and Linked Pull Request not Updating. #### Actual behavior When you open a dev post of any other user than the current user, the GitHub Connection and Linked Pull Request should show of the new user. #### How to reproduce 1. Open any dev post 2. Go to other user's dev post you will see that the previous Pull Request and Github Connection is still showing. **Note for Developer :** If you refresh it's getting updated. * Browser: Chrome * Operating system: Windows 10 #### Recording Of The Bug ![Video-Mon-Feb-19-2018-18-16-15.gif](

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    Cat Posing to be Clicked

    February 17, 2018

    I was on the balcony where I spotted a Cat, luckily she sees me too. She was climbing a tree, don't know why though. On seeing me she stopped and started giving poses as you can see. Bdw she was a cute little cat but I guess her intention was to eat the bird's kid, when she saw me she came down thinking I will prevent her from climbing. So here are the Poses of Caty :P ### Pose : 1 - Closer look ![IMG_20180217_113631.jpg](

    ### Pose : 2 - From a distance ![IMG_20180217_113620.jpg](
    ### Pose : 3 - A little further distance ![IMG_20180217_113657.jpg](
    ### Pose 4 : Hide and Seek ![IMG_20180217_113705.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Blue Sky with a Beautiful Sunset

    February 16, 2018

    Once again a beautiful sunset with a beautiful sky. Few clouds here and there looks amazing. ![IMG_20180216_181424_2.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6