When Searching for a Tag, Feed should not change
December 18, 2017Feed in eSteem means that it should have all the posts from your followers. So even if you search for any tag, feed should be as it is.
For Example, my feed looks like below where I can see all the posts from my followers

Now lets say I serached for any tag (utopian-io), it will take you to all the new contributions of Utopian-io as shown below

But when I again go to Feed it should show me the posts from my followers and not change the Feed to Feed utopian-io.

The above posts shows me the posts as Feed Utopian-io but it does not contain the tag utopian.io

So my suggestion would be when I come to my feed, it should show only Feed and not Feed Utopian-io, as its making confusion to the user.
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors