My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    When Searching for a Tag, Feed should not change

    December 18, 2017

    Feed in eSteem means that it should have all the posts from your followers. So even if you search for any tag, feed should be as it is. For Example, my feed looks like below where I can see all the posts from my followers ![Screenshot_20171218-173207.png]( Now lets say I serached for any tag (utopian-io), it will take you to all the new contributions of Utopian-io as shown below ![Screenshot_20171218-173234.png]( But when I again go to Feed it should show me the posts from my followers and not change the Feed to Feed utopian-io. ![Screenshot_20171218-173327.png]( The above posts shows me the posts as Feed Utopian-io but it does not contain the tag ![Screenshot_20171218-173345.png]( So my suggestion would be when I come to my feed, it should show only Feed and not Feed Utopian-io, as its making confusion to the user.

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    A Water Glass Bottle

    December 17, 2017

    This image was taken in a restaurant where they have kept water in this glass bottle. The upper design is awesome. ![IMG-20171217-WA0036.jpg](

    Camera : Nokia 6

    Christmas Celebration has Began in Bangalore, India

    December 16, 2017

    I recently went to a Mall (Orion Mall) in Bangalore, India and the Celebration of Christmas has already began. As you can see whole Mall is been decorated with lights and gifts. ![IMG_20171205_204020.jpg]( A Big Christmas Tree and the decoration ![IMG_20171205_204412.jpg]( Closere look of Christmas Tree. ![IMG_20171205_204701.jpg]( Snow effect as it is winter ![IMG_20171205_205530.jpg]( Lighting ![IMG_20171205_210159.jpg]( Camera : Nokia 6

    Added World Coin Index Price Feed in Crypto Price Checker

    December 15, 2017

    The NPM module "cryptoticker" was only using CoinMarketCap, now I feel WorldCoinIndex is also gives a somewhat correct price. So now I have integrated WorldCoinIndex in the cryptoticker. One thing to note that WorldCoinIndex uses API Key, now if you are using the NPM module you need to generate your own key and then send it via the function. For creating the new Key you need to go to and then click on "Generate your Key" as shown below. ![image.png]( Now next is to query it using the below code where API_KEY is the key you have generated ``crypto.priceWCI('eth','API_KEY').then(a=>console.log(a)); crypto.priceWCI('bitcoin','API_KEY').then(a=>console.log(a));`` which will give the result as shown below : ![image.png]( ### Development So for development you need to export priceWCI as shown below where I am getting the crypto and key and then sending you the value of it. I am not manipulating the data and sending the Promise so that if any application uses it they can take whole advantage of the unmanipulated data. ``` exports.priceWCI = (crypto, key) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(!crypto){ reject(new Error('Coin Not Found')); }else if(!key){ reject(new Error('Key Not Provided')); }else{ const cryptoId = cryptoValues[crypto.toLowerCase()] || crypto.toLowerCase(); const requestUrl = worldCoinIndexURL + key; request(requestUrl, function (error, res, body) { if(!error && res.statusCode === 200) { const response = JSON.parse(body); var filteredJson = response.Markets.filter(function(cryptoValue) { return cryptoValue.Name.toLowerCase() === cryptoId; }); resolve(filteredJson); }else { reject(new Error('Coin Not Found')); } }); } }); ``` ### Commits 1. 2. ### Proof Of Work I have the same name in github, but I am also providing the Logged in session screenshot. ![image.png](

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    Color Challenge - Thursday Green - Banana Tree

    December 14, 2017

    For today's color challenge post I wanted to show you an awsome looking Banana Tree. ![IMG-20171214-WA0002.jpg]( Camera : Nokia 6

    B&W Photo Contest Entry 1: Theme Christmas

    December 12, 2017

    This is an entry for B&W Photo Contest organized by @daveks and judged by @brumest. This week theme is Christmas. So the preparation for Christmas here in Bangalore has already started and you can see the big malls have already started decorating with nice lightings. So this one was taken on my visit to Orion Mall where it is wishing Merry Christmas to all. ![IMG_20171205_211846_2.jpg](

    ### Camera - Nokia 6, Edited to B&W

    Slider for Tag Box in eSteem

    December 12, 2017

    When you have long tags in tag box it is very hard to go back to the first tag and edit, there is no option of having a slider in the tag box, which is making it very difficult to edit any tags if you have especially long tags as shown below. I always have to delete the tags and then start over. ![Screenshot_20171212-144841.png]( My suggestion would be having a google like slider for tags where you can easily slide from left to right and edit if there is any wrong tag or mistake as shown below. ![](

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    Crypto Price Checker NPM Module

    December 11, 2017

    I have created a NPM module "cryptoticker" which enables you to easily find the price of a certain cryptocurrency from a lot of website. As of now, I have only added CoinMarketCap, and other websites are for future works. ##### Introduction Crypto Ticker as the name suggests will easily provide the information about the crypto currencies right from the NPM package. Since we have a lot of websites which provide price feed of currencies, I thought of including it all in my package. As per the initial release 1.0.0 I have only included CoinMarketCap. The problem with coinmarket cap is that it only accepts as a short form of the currency i.e. 'btc', 'eth', so I have to actually keep a record o both short form and long form so that whatever name you give. It will give you the result. One thing to note that I am sending it as a promise so you have to actually catch any exception otherwise it will give "Unhandled Promise Rejection Error". ##### How to run it At first you need to install it using the command `npm install cryptoticker --savedev` and then run the below code ``` const crypto = require('cryptoticker'); crypto.price('btc').then(a=>console.log(a)); ``` If you do not want to install, just download the repo and head over to the tests folder and run the getprice.js file using command 'node getprice.js', it will give the output as shown below ![image.png]( ##### Proof Of Work I have the same name in github, but I am also providing the Logged in session screenshot. ![image.png]( ##### Commits 1. 2. 3. 4.

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    Get Indian PinCode Information using an NPM package

    December 10, 2017

    I have written an npm package which will give you the details of the Indian pincode information which can be easily called from the Node.js app. This is the tutorial which will show you how to query the pincode npm package to get the details. Since it is a npm package at first you need to install it using the command `npm install pincode`. There is mainly two types by which you can search the pincode, either by pincode or by the area. If it is by pincode it will give you all the details about the pincode whereas if it is by the area it will give the details about the area as well as the pincode of that area. ### Search by Pincode ``` var pin = require('pincode'); pin.seachByPin('560038', function (response){ response.forEach(function (data) { console.log(data); }); }); ``` ![image.png]( As shown above when searched by the pincode it gave the details like teh Taluk Name, Office Name etc. ### Search by Area ``` pin.seachByArea('Bangalore', function (response) { response.forEach(function (data) { console.log(data); }); }); ``` ![image.png]( It was actually created just for my use, so that I can get the info of any Indian Pincode at any point of time.

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    On the Way to Temple near Nandi Hills

    December 09, 2017

    This photo is taken on my way to a temple called Shree Bhoga & Yoga Nandeshwara Swamy Temple in Chickballapur near Nandi Hills. This one if for Street Photography. ![IMG_20171126_151203.jpg](