My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    Scolling till the bottom removes all the Posts

    November 12, 2017

    When I searched "bug" in the Bugs section, it shows me all the bugs added in recent times. Now when I reached the bottom it will load more results. While loading more results it removes the existing posts. As you can see when I inspect the element it query so many times and thus removes the previously loaded posts. I have attached the Gif as shown below : ![]( Browser: Chrome Device: Desktop

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    And again one more beautiful sky

    November 12, 2017

    Once again I have witnessed one of the beautiful skies and it was once again a beautiful sunset. I have not done any editing on the photos and they are totally original. ### Left ![IMG_20171110_180324.jpg]( ### Right ![IMG_20171110_180318.jpg]( ### Center ![IMG_20171110_180303.jpg]( ### Panorama View ![IMG_20171110_180226.jpg](

    ### Camera: Nokia 6
    ### Follow @codingdefined

    Searching Github Repository on Exact Terms

    November 11, 2017

    ### Fixing Issue #64 of Utopian-io There was a bug posted by @JefPatat that he is not able to find his project openv/openv in the project list. ![image.png]( ### Analysing the Bug Github provides an API for repository search and using Utopian-io we get the list of all the projects in the GitHub which match the terms. Now when I searched the exact same words in Github it provided me more than 14000 projects which matched the term as shown below. ![image.png]( The result is sorted based on the score of the project as well as based on the stars they have received till now. Now in the Utopian we cannot show all the 14000 projects so we need to do the exact search of the name. ### Fixing the Bug I have worked on Solr search before so I know that to make a search on exact terms the query should be encoded inside the quotes. So instead of using `` I have used ``. ![image.png]( Thus as shown below it gives only 7 records and not all the 14000 records. Only thing you need to keep in mind that you are searching the repository with exact terms. Pull Request : Commit :

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    ColorChallenge - Friday Blue - Swimming Pool

    November 10, 2017

    My entry for today's #colorchallenge is a swimming pool where kids are enjoying. I tried to capture the running kid and his jump onto the swimming pool. But since my mobile camera does not support multiple at once I missed a frame in between. ![IMG_20171105_112219.jpg]( ![IMG_20171105_112221.jpg](

    ### Camera : Nokia 6
    ### Follow @codingdefined

    Fixing Forked Project Bug in Utopian-io

    November 10, 2017

    A few days back I have reported the issue about the [forked project was not included when we search for Github Project]( I thought of working on it. ![image.png]( ### Setting Local Server The very first thing I have to do it to fork the original project and run it on my local server. Next, I pulled the master branch from my forked repository using command `git pull repository_name master` where repository_name is my forked repository full path. After pulling, I need to install all the node_modules which are used in the Utopian project for that I have ran `npm install` in the same repository where my code resides. It will take some time if you are doing it for the first time. Once done, its time to run the code. For that you need to run `npm run dev-server`. If it runs successfully you will get a message as shown below. ![image.png]( When you navigate to the http://localhost:3000/ you can see the utopian running on your local server. ### Analysing the Bug After searching in the Github search API, I came to know that the search should include +fork:true while calling the GET API of the repository. ![image.png]( ### Fixing the Bug It was a simple fix where while sending the search term we need to append +fork:true as well. One thing to note here is that if we encode + and : it will not work. So first we need to encode the q parameter and then append the +fork:true. endpoint: `${querystring.encode(q)}+fork:true&sort=stars&order=desc`, Commits : 1 - 2 - Pull Request:

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    Utopian-io : Github Repository going out of area

    November 09, 2017

    When you sync your Github Repositories you can see that on the right side under Github Connection. However, if the name of your Github repository is longer than 30 characters, it will go out of the area as shown below. 30 characters including the username i.e. username/repository name (e.g. codingdefined/codingDefinedTrendingTweets) ![image.png]( However, if the long name has a hyphen in the name, it wraps the word on the hyphen, whereas if the hyphen is not present it does not do anything and show as it is. ### Expected Behaviour The word should wrap no matter if the word has a hyphen or not. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Sync your Github Repositories in the Utopian-io 2. If you do not have any repository more than 30 characters, create it without a hyphen. (Note : 30 characters including the username). For example, in my case, it is "codingdefined/codingDefinedTrendingTweets". 3. You can able to see the repository going out of the windows area.

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    Picture Perfect Sky with Clouds

    November 09, 2017

    It was indeed a picture perfect moment because you can see the rays of the sun flowing everywhere in the sky, thus making it an astonishing view. I really liked the Zoom In one, but will definitely want your opinion, which one you liked the most and why ? ## Original Photo - No Editing, No Zoom ![IMG_20171108_171652.jpg]( ## Little Zoom In - No Editing, Zoom 5X ![IMG_20171108_171701.jpg]( ## B/W Alternative - Edited to B/W ![IMG_20171108_171652~2.jpg](

    ### Follow @codingdefined

    Tooltip remains after Click in Utopian-io

    November 08, 2017

    In the My Profile of Utopian-io, when I click the (...), it opens up two options Support and Block this user as shown below. ![image.png]( When I click on Support it opens up, the transfer funds window, but the option of Support and Block this user is still visible ![image.png]( When you click anywhere in the transfer funds window, the option of Support and Blocks goes away. ### Expected Behaviour When we click on the support option only Transfer Funds window should be visible and not the option of Support and Block this user. ### Steps To Reproduce 1. Open My Profile in Utopian-io 2. Click on (...) button which is beside Edit profile button 3. Then Click on Support Option

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    B&W Photo Contest - Travel - Entry #2 - Mount Abu Trip

    November 08, 2017

    This is my second entry for the B&W photo contest initiated by @daveks and judged by @exploretraveler. ### View from Highest Peak in Mount Abu The below photo was taken from Guru Shikhar which is the highest peak in Mount Abu (around 1722m above sea level). It is a great attraction for tourist whoever comes to Mount Abu.

    Camera : Motorola X Play, Edited to Black and White

    Reputation of a user not visible in feed in eSteem App

    November 07, 2017

    When I load my home feed in the eSteem app, I am not able to see the reputation as it is getting truncated. When I recently post reputation will be displayed (though it truncates little bit) but when the post gets old and the text gets bigger (2 days ago or 3 days ago), reputation is not at all visible. As you can see below for 3 hours ago you can see reputation as 56, but for 3 days ago reputation is not at all visible. ![Screenshot_20171106-203307.png]( ![Screenshot_20171106-203256.png]( ### Device Used : Android ### Steps to Reproduce : 1. Open eSteem App 2. Search for user @codingdefined or any other user which has a long name 3. Open the feed and see the result

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