My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    Steemit is Revamped with New Logo and Night Mode

    November 01, 2017

    From Blue to Green, a significant changes happen in Steemit today morning. As you can see the steemit logo is changed along with the Post button is changed from Dark Blue to Black with the green little background. ![]( Now you also have an option to Night Mode, which you can change by clicking the Profile Pic. ![]( New Night Mode ![]( What do you think about these changes. Do comment

    Forked project should be included In Github project section

    October 31, 2017

    When selecting the Github Project, Forked Project is not available even though the project is available in the GitHub. ![Untitled.png]( When I synced the GitHub Repository with, I can see all the projects on the right hand side along with the forked project. But when I try to include that project in the GitHub project section, it's saying No projects found. For original repository, it's working as expected.

    Open Source Contribution posted via

    Updated Config.json to update Websocket

    October 31, 2017

    @steemdev recently written a post that a new public jussi endpoint is available and they are going to use it for future which is available at They have also asked all the third-party applications to use instead of I am using Steem npm package, for that, we have a config.json file in So if we need to change from to, I need to update the Config.json file. I have created a branch called codingdefined-patch-1 after forking the original repository and updated the config.json. Previous Config.json was ``` { "transport": "ws", "websocket": "wss://", "websocketdev": "wss://", "uri": "", "url": "", "dev_uri": "", "stage_uri": "", "address_prefix": "STM", "chain_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" } ``` And it is changed to ``` { "transport": "ws", "websocket": "", "websocketdev": "wss://", "uri": "", "url": "", "dev_uri": "", "stage_uri": "", "address_prefix": "STM", "chain_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" } ``` If you do not want to change the configuration by not changing the config, then you can set the configuration directly using the below code. ``` steem.config.set('url', '') ```

    Open Source Contribution posted via

    Updated Config.json to update Websocket

    October 31, 2017

    Edit - New Post is live now Edit - 31/Oct/2017 - Discarding this post as per @elear comment Hello @codingdefined. Announcements in Utopian are used to ask for changes not for releasing changes. For this you have to use the standard contribution. I cannot change this so i advise you to discard this post and create a contribution under development category. I will accept that once done. [utopian-moderator]

    Add Images with Underscore in

    October 31, 2017

    When I upload Images in Steemit it creates a path which includes and then the whole path. For Example : + DQmaYauBqmx5z8GiwJTKPpinTQ6ebxetwhJKqakruLEwDQJ/IMG_20170302_105004917.jpg Now if you have an Image which has underscore ("_") in it, remove that underscore from the URL.So, when you try to copy the URL to, it looks something like below where the underscore is missing. ![image.png](

    Open Source Contribution posted via

    City View of Udaipur from the Udaipur City Palace

    October 30, 2017

    Udaipur in India (State - Rajasthan) is one of the most romantic cities in the World because of its natural attractions and a large number of places to visit. Udaipur City Palace is one such palace which has a huge compound and a large palace which approximately takes around 2.5 hours if you want to see every corner of the Palace. ​But more than the Palace I liked the City View, from the Palace itself. Sharing some of the photos clicked. ​![IMG_20170302_ 105004917.jpg](\__20170302\__105004917.jpg) ​ ![IMG_20170302_ 105017771_HDR.jpg](\_20170302_105017771\__HDR.jpg) ​ ![IMG_20170302_ 105622843.jpg](\__20170302\__105622843.jpg) ​ ![IMG_20170302_ 110553930_HDR.jpg](\__20170302_110553930\__HDR.jpg)

    #### Camera : Moto X Play, No Editing Done
    #### Follow @codingdefined

    Convert File Types using Zamzar

    October 29, 2017

    Have you ever felt a need of converting one file type to another? If that is the case you might have searched google and end up having to sign up for the account. [Zamzar]() can be your one stop solution for converting any file type to another and without having to sign up. ![]( PC : ​ Zamzar support more than 1600 types of file, that means if a file can be convertible they can convert for you. The process is simple, you just need to upload the file, select which file type you wanted it to be converted and enter your email address. Boom! your converted file will be sent to your email address. Now if you want to convert bigger files lets say 1 GB then you need to sign up. But that's ok, for the free service you are getting so many file type to be converted.

    Follow @codingdefined

    Nature's Architecture or Mother's Love

    October 29, 2017

    The below image was taken in Coorg, Karnataka, India. I actually cannot figure out the caption of this image, it can be "Nature's Architecture" or "Mother's Love". "Nature's Architecture" because of the beauty whereas "Mother's Love" because so many child plants are growing over it even though the tree "Mother" is almost dead. ![IMG_20170909_ 095601.jpg](\__20170909\__095601.jpg) Camera : Nokia 6 What do you think, what should be the caption of this image and why?

    Follow @codingdefined

    B&W Photo Contest - Water - Entry #3 - View from Lake Pichola

    October 28, 2017

    This is my third entry for the B&W photo contest initiated by @daveks and sponsored by @papa-pepper. ### View from the Lake Pichola in Udaipur, India Udaipur in Rajasthan, India, has many historical places to visit and you can see them while having a boat ride in the Lake Pichola. The building which you are seeing was a fort earlier which was converted as a 5 star hotel.

    Camera : Nokia 6, Edited to Black and White

    Misplaced Manual of a Device - Get it in ManualsLib

    October 28, 2017

    There are situations in everyone's life that you would like to read a manual of a device after an year an half just to check that you are using the device correctly. In the big cities you can easily call up the customer care and they will come in a day or two to show you functionality of device again. But in the village side or a small cities, customer care is not that active where you actually need to read the manual. Now what if you have misplaced your manual or the manual did not came with the device. In either of the situation ManualsLib will come into the rescue. It is a free repository or library where you will get millions of manuals across devices categories. ![]( PC : As you can see above it offers a simple search box where it shows matching results as soon as you start typing for any product. Now if you have found the product, you can get user manual and you can keep it for future purpose. ![]( PC : Now if you have any product use manual is lying around in your home, just upload it in ManualsLib which can be helpful for others.

    #### Follow @codingdefined