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    All your b/w images can be created using the single image

    Let's consider a 256 x 256 pixels grey scale image as shown below i.e. the image is 256 pixels wide and 256 pixels tall.

    PC : By New Horizons ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

    In simple terms, a pixel is the smallest unit in a graphical image. A graphical image is one where thousands of pixels arranged in rows and columns and they are so small that they appear connected.

    Now a grayscale image like above has a storage value for each and every pixel where the pixel value can range from 0 (complete black) to 255 (complete white).

    So if we do a math this image has total 65536 pixels (256 x 256). Now since every pixel can have 256 different value (0 to 255) there can be total of 16777216 (256 * 65536) images from all black images to all white images.

    16777216 is a huge number and we get a lot of images, but all the images are not perfect. There might be some useless images too which has lot of noises.

    However the important thing is "All your b/w images can be created using the single image" which means in this 16777216 images there will be an image of you when you are born, a image of that school going kid, the picture of you now and also an image of you when you will get old. It will contain all the images which shows the world at its origin as well as when it will end. Picture of every animal which would ever exist.

    And it is very easy to write a program which shows each and every picture. The algorithm of the program will be simple you have to create an image with starting value of all the 65536 pixels as 0 and then you need to change one pixel at a time.

    Note: 256 pixels is chosen as a random number. Only a few of 16777216 images will be perceivable to the human eye that means a lot of images will not have any meaning. Creating all the images is not realistic as it will take years to process. It is just a theory but not a realistic thing to do.