Duck Swimming in the Lake
It was such a nice view, where you can calmly watch the duck swimming in the lake. Unlike Humans Duck mind their own business at least while swimming which I observe and do not poke nose in any one's matter even though their nose is bigger than us.
There was no editing done in any of the pictures. As you can see the first picture was shot on ISO 100 and it gave me somewhat less light. Thus increasing the ISO helped in the low light scenario. This is one of the disadvantages of having the basic lens because usually, I prefer to shoot in ISO 100 only.
Camera | Canon 200 D --- | --- Lens | EF-S 18-55mm Aperture | F/5.6 Exposure | 1/80 ISO | 100
Camera | Canon 200 D --- | --- Lens | EF-S 18-55mm Aperture | F/5.6 Exposure | 1/80 ISO | 200
Camera | Canon 200 D --- | --- Lens | EF-S 18-55mm Aperture | F/5.6 Exposure | 1/80 ISO | 200
Camera | Canon 200 D --- | --- Lens | EF-S 18-55mm Aperture | F/5.6 Exposure | 1/80 ISO | 200
Do let me know, which one you liked the most :)