My Hive Posts

    How much Time you put your Phone Away?

    Everyday SmartPhone users are increasing and its estimated that it might touch 3 billion smartphone users by 2020 which is a huge number.

    [PC :]

    The main concern is not the users but the addiction which each of us are having with our smartphone. There was a study in 2017 which has said that an average person spends more than 4 hours on the smartphone which includes surfing, entertainment, social media and what not.

    Now the main discussion for this post would be, in 24 hours how much time you use the smartphone. If it's over 4 hours in a day, then you need to significantly reduce it. Habits of checking smartphone every now and then will take time to change i.e. to become habits, but you need to start from somewhere.

    How to start limiting yourself not to become a smartphone addict. At first, limit yourself that you will not do anything with your phone for more than 15 minutes (except talking). There are several apps which can remind you when your time is up.

    With this small improvement, you will experience a lot of peace which will help you to make better use of your time like reading books. So start from today and limit yourself to become a smartphone addict.