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    How to beat Depression

    Most of the people in their lifetime might have suffered from a serious mental illness and that is Depression, which not only creates a negative environment but has a negative impact on your health too. Now the main question arises is how to beat the depression. First of all, let's see if you are depressed or not, just head over to and get your depression test done. You will get the scores like this, though I know that this values are not perfect but will give you some sense of idea about your depression level.

    Now the real question arises is how to beat the depression. The best, as well as the effective medicine for beating depression, is to talk about it freely and openly to your close and dear ones. That is if ever you feel depressed just talk about your concern to someone who understands you or who can help you to overcome it.

    In depression, people tend to remain sad and disturbed, but you should avoid it and try to do what you love or what makes you happy without disconnecting yourself from the world. The study says that if you do regular exercise or work-outs you can beat the depression really fast. Though in this fast-forward world you might have thousands of online friend, to come out of depression you need some real-life friends who encourage or motivates you to do better.

    Though in another way around if you see anyone around you is suffering from Depression, try to approach them and find out the root cause of it and then try to motivate them to move forward. As I said earlier one can beat depression effectively by talking only.