My Hive Posts

    Land War on Earth

    Humans existence on Earth would be more than 20000 years ago, but they have never fought for land as they are doing now. Now there is a notion everywhere among humans is about their land, which makes us hear a lot about Migrants, Immigrants, Legal Migrants, Illegal Migrants etc. These things have made so much hatred between the humans that now its very hard to find the values a human should have (a human is no longer a human from inside).

    Nowadays everyone boasts about their possessions like they have 1200 Acres field or this or that, which makes us very hard to find the humans nowadays. Thus we meet with titles and positions nowadays. Hatred has become the core foundation of human behavior and which are driving the actions.

    I still know that how two of my uncle fought for a small piece of land, which is not so expensive, but just to keep it in possession and show the world that they have so much lands with them they fight with each other. Hatred is driving the society and that makes people want more and more things under their name be it big bunglow, land or a big car.

    If we talk about financial situation, humans are not in a very good condition either. Everywhere you will see that there is a huge difference between riches and poors and the gap is rising every day. Though most of the people are not poor but since their expectation is mismatch with their financial condition they think themselves as poor i.e. they cannot buy clothes in every occasion, or they cannot travel outstation every month etc.