Lets' Discuss - Patience is the Key to Success
How many times have we heard this sentence that "Patience is the Key to Success" or "You can Move Mountains with Patience". What exactly is Patience? Let's Discuss.
A Note on Patience
In simple terms, Patience means that you have dedicated all your energy and effort to achieve any specific goals. Your self-confidence and your determined effort help you to forget everything else, you ignore praises as well as you do not stop even when you are criticized and also you do not when there is a mountain of obstacles standing right in front of you. When you need to achieve your goals and climb the stair of success you need this effort, the weapon of Patience.
If you look closely you will see Patience is everywhere. Just take an example of Mother Earth, is it not Patiently enduring all our lovelessness or selflessness etc. There are numerous example like parents endure many things for their children, employees endure their employees. Why go far and outside, are we not here in Steemit patiently waiting so that our work will be recognized and we will continue to do that because we know that hard work always pays off we just have to continue doing what we are doing.
PC : Flickr
I can see there are a lot of people who get frustrated or angry because they are not able to succeed here in Steemit. But, we need to understand that when we will become truly patient feeling like this will never arise. I am not saying that there are 100% times that you will not feel frustrated or you will not get angry. You will, but you need to overcome it because you have to focus on your goals.
I can only say that you will never get success very quickly in life (like Rome was not built in a day). There are numerous of difficulties standing in your way when you try to become successful or try to achieve something in life. But if you have the determination and if you are optimistic then the power of bearing the pain or facing the difficulty will come naturally. This is where our mental attitude plays a big role to define are we strong or weak to face any difficulties.
PC : Pixabay
I will conclude the discussion by saying that along with Patience we need to keep Right Attitude even in the situations when we feel helpless or when we feel nothing is working for us. Thus Patience is the Key to Success and with Right Attitude and Patience, we can move mountains.