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    Nice Opportunity to Showcase your Steemit Application to Dev Community outside of Steemit

    I was reading some article on latest technologies on where I came across a dev contest. The theme of the contest is simple where you need to create a Real-Time Application which uses Pusher Channels Real-Time API.

    The theme of this contest is to create a real-time app or a hack that uses Pusher Channels real-time API.


    To all the web app or mobile app created on the Steem Blockchain can take part on this contest. A simple scenario can be creating a notification system where whenever a new vote or comment added on the post you can show that real time using Pusher Channels. Pusher has a lot of tutorials which can be read upon and its fairly easy to add it in any languages be it Web or Mobile.

    If you have any other idea on your mind of a real-time app which you can think of, you can share it here. So any developer can take it up and build upon that idea.