Phishing Link Checker Chrome Extension - Update V1.1 and V1.2
New Features
In V1.1
1 - Running the Script every 10 seconds so that if you go from any page in Steemit all the information should be up to date.
Commit : 5c5e5f8106c2cf5d7b8dfa856749de1c81ca465e
2 - Whenever you click on any link it will alert you saying that the site you are going to is not a Steemit site and so do not use your password there.
Commit : 5c5e5f8106c2cf5d7b8dfa856749de1c81ca465e
In V1.2
1 - Added Popup which will give details about the Extension and the Current Site you are in.
2 - Update Maifest.json to include all the details.
Commit : de0bc88cae54e0f7cc2b9f2ad9c5aed826c3bbbc
Technology Stack
- Add more Phishing Websites Known
- More Logic to Find out about Phishing Websites
How to contribute?
Create a PR for this Repo : Also you can add suggestion or errors as an Issue in GitHub.
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