My Hive Posts

    Quality Slider Bug in Utopian

    Expected behavior

    When the Quality Slider is at 0%, the Moderator should not be allowed to click "Yes,Verify" or should be given a warning saying that "Please Set the Quality Slider". If I need to set 0 as a quality slider I do not have to move the slider and bring it back to 0.

    Actual behavior

    On Initial Load when you have not clicked on Quality Slider, I get a warning saying "Please Set the Quality Slider", so after moving the quality slider and bringing it back to 0% does not give me the warning.

    How to reproduce

    • Moderators click on Verify Button

    • Fill all the questionnaire except Quality Slider

    • Click on "Yes, Verify", you will get a warning "Please Set the Quality Slider".

    • Move the slider and bring it back to 0, and click on "Yes, Verify".

    • Browser: Chrome

    • Operating system: Windows 10

    Recording Of The Bug

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors