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    Solution of Coding challenge #2 by @armandocat

    I have participated in (Coding challenge #2)( organized by @armandocat and here is my solution.

    The Coding Challenge Was

    In a Linked list, each node has a value and a next node. Given a Linked list:

    Write a function that reverse the linked list, using a recursive algorithm. Write a function that reverse the linked list, using a iterative algorithm. For instance: given A -> B -> C it returns C -> B ->A You don't have to clone the nodes, you must just work on their next properties.

    Since the Preferred Language was JavaScript, I have written in that. There is a starting code which you can get it from here

    The solution for Iterative Reversal of Linked List. Iterative Reversal means you can reverse each element one by one by using a loop. I have used while loop.

    function reverseIterative(obj) {
      // Keeping the copy of obj locally and making original object as null
      var node = obj;
      obj = null;
      // Starting the while loop
      while(node) {
       // In Javascript you can get the next element in the linked list using .next
       // So keeping the next element as a local copy
        var nextNode =;
       // In the next three lines we are just swapping the elements from Previous to Next = obj;
        obj = node;
        node = nextNode;
      // Once we get our object, send the object back
      return obj;

    The solution for Recursive Reversal of Linked List. Recursive meaning that the function will call itself.

    function reverseRecursive(obj) {
      // We will check if the obj or is null or undefined, if it is just return it
      if (!obj || ! {
        return obj;
     // Keeping a local copy of obj
      var nextNode =;
      // Calling the Recursive Function using the next node (Recursion)
      var currentNode = reverseRecursive(nextNode);
      //Now the resursion function will be called until the obj is not null. = null; = obj;
      // For each funtion call we will return the currentNode
      return currentNode;

    The output is shown below :

    You can get the full solution here: A lot of improvements can be made, like removing the unnecessary local variable. Any suggestion is welcomed.

    Follow @codingdefined