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    What Color Attracts?

    I wanted to buy toys for my 1.5-year daughter who is a naughty kid, so I just wanted to spend some money on toys to keep her busy. Now the problem is even if she has 10-15 toys like car, doll, soft toys still she plays with 2-3 only. I was curious to know what is exactly the reason for it. One of the things which I noticed that among those 2-3 toys, one thing is common i.e. bright colors.

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    I searched Google and found out that the primary colors red, yellow and blue attract babies more than secondary colors like green, orange, and purple. This is because the bright colors reflects nature and they think that the colors which are brighter are more attractive.

    The primary colors and their effect on babies are:

    RED: It always attracts attention. BLUE: The symbol of cool and calm. YELLOW: Represents fun, happiness, and sunshine.

    It seems like my daughter might have overexposed to Red color because she wants attention a whole time. Though it's normal for kids to seek attention, I do not blame her for it. I am thinking of getting toys of blue color to calm her down.

    Now, this is mainly what color babies attract, but while searching on Google I found that people want to know all the things the color can attract.


    Though all the results are common, I don't know why people searched for 'What colors attract money'. Your hard work, your passion, your dedication will surely attract money but does color attract money?

    Now when I searched for the exact keyword, I found out that this is actually linked to Astrology. If you wear certain color or paint your home with that color, does not mean that you will get money from nowhere. It actually means that each color has its own distinct energy and based on the energy of these colors, it is possible to attract several things, like them love, money, health etc.

    A question to you, do you believe Color attracts money?