My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    Sunset in Bangalore, India

    April 17, 2018

    Yesterday was one of those days where you have to literally stop and click photos on your way back home. I was on a motorbike so it was easier for me to stop on the road and click some amazing photos of the Sky. ![IMG_20180416_180845_2.jpg](

    ### Camera : Nokia 6

    ColorChallenge - Monday Red - Flowers

    April 16, 2018

    A decorative Red Flowers ![IMG_20180412_173222.jpg](


    ColorChallenge - Friday Blue - A Lone Tree

    April 13, 2018

    A lone tree fighting for existence. ![IMG_20180324_104651_2.jpg]( Camera : Nokia 6

    Oracle Code Event in Bangalore on 10th April, 2018

    April 12, 2018

    ![]( I have attended Oracle Code Event in Bangalore which was held on 10th April 2018. The main topic where AI, Machine Learning, Performance, Security etc. There was breakout session too, so I could not attend all the sessions. ![IMG_20180410_090511.jpg]( The first session was Serverless in the Java Ecosystem where the speaker talked about running your code without provisioning or managing servers. The developer just has to develop the code and not think about the architecture. The developer can call the FAAS (Function as a Service) which are already available or write your own FAAS. The FAAS are a small unit of work and are used for single-purpose. They are also short running and they are stateless. The second session was "Building a Chatbot Front-end for Blockchain Transactions and Serverless Functions APIs" where users can leverage the Blockchain along with conversational AI by developing chatbots. The Speaker talked about how we can use private Blockchain to create a Car Selling App and use the Chatbot to be the frontend of that app. The whole architecture of the App was shown below: ![IMG_20180410_103300.jpg]( There were a number of sessions which I attended which was 1 - Using Machine Learning to Make DevSecOps a Reality >Moving toward continuous (or short-cycle) delivery? Constantly rewiring your apps with microservice and similar architectures? How are you planning to maintain visibility, maximize service levels and prevent threats and data loss once this stuff gets into production? Coding instrumentation into your apps is time-consuming and error prone. Instead, let machine learning do the work of adapting your monitoring and security regime to your fast-moving application environments. In this session, we’ll discuss different types of machine learning that are optimized for operational and security data, and how they are leveraged to ensure SecOps moves as fast as the rest of your DevOps pipeline. 2 - Apparently Bots Know It All, but Who Will Deliver Them the Content? >Enterprises need to streamline their message to their customers, vendors, and all the stakeholder. It becomes extremely important for them to maintain consistency and avoid content proliferation. Would you create separate content repositories for each channel such as web, mobile, and business applications? That will create content silos leading to unmanageable synchronization and loss of traceability. How do you prepare for User Interfaces that don’t exist at the time of project inception? Find out how Oracle Content and Experience Cloud Service’s API-first approach allows you to create content just once and deliver it various channels. See how content can be delivered across unforeseeable channels with CEC’s rich set of REST APIs; ChatBots included. 3 - From the Beginning: Your First Node.js Web Service >This session walks through installing Node.js and shows how to create a web service that accesses Oracle Database. We'll even show how to install and configure a database! If you've never done it before, come along and learn how. 4 - Using Oracle Intelligent Bot Service From the Developer Point of View >In this session you will learn the development part of the Oracle Intelligent Bot service. You will learn how to: 1. Create a conversation using YAML 2. How to create an integration with an external application via APIs calls 3. How to integrate the bot with Facebook 4. How to integrate our bot with an OAuth service, for example: Linkedin 5. How to create mini application within the bot During the session we will highlight the developer side of building a bot with Oracle Intelligent Bot service. The main objective is to have a session where the developer can learn their role in this brand new service from Oracle and relate with it in such a way that they can start budiling chatbots right away. 5 - Monitor and Troubleshoot Web and Mobile Application Performance >In this session learn how Oracle Application Performance Monitoring Cloud Service and Oracle Log Analytics Cloud Service provide development and operations teams with the information they need to find and fix their web and mobile application issues fast. All end-user and application performance information (with associated application logs) are brought together into Oracle Management Cloud's secure, unified big data platform. Oracle Log Analytics Cloud Service monitors, aggregates, indexes, and analyzes all log data from your applications and infrastructure, enabling users to search, explore, and correlate this data to troubleshoot problems faster, derive operational insight, and make better decisions. 6 - Tips and Tricks to Build High Performance, Highly Available .NET Database Apps >This session walks you through .NET coding best practices and optimization techniques to achieve fast data access performance. Learn how to improve connection management, statement execution, data fetching, data type use, and caching to boost application performance and scalability. Find out how to build highly available applications to replay database requests when a recoverable error makes the database session unavailable. We'll show you how to ensure that end users never experience an error when a database or service is taken offline. Source : [](

    Sunset over River Ganges

    April 12, 2018

    A wonderful Sunset over River Ganges in Kolkata, India ![IMG_20180330_165808.jpg]( Camera : Nokia 6

    ColorChallenge - Tuesday Orange - Sunset

    April 10, 2018

    The image is not that great or clear as I have to zoomit, but I am able to capture the Sun peeping through the cloud along with the rays emerging out from the cloud. I have taken this image from a busy road of Bangalore. ![IMG_20180409_181559.jpg]( ![IMG_20180409_181604.jpg]( Camera : Nokia 6

    One more set back for Indian Bitcoin Users

    April 05, 2018

    Today Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed all the regulated entities including banks, to not provide any services to businesses which deal with Bitcoin or Virtual Currencies. RBI said that Crypto Currencies increases the risk of consumer protection or money laundering however they liked the technology underlined the Virtual Currencies because that can improve the financial system. Will it impact the Bitcoin Price further ? Source :

    Discussion - Who Deserver Your Seat

    April 05, 2018

    So this Image was taken from a facebook page, and I wanted to discuss with you all that whom you think deserves your seat considering you are a healthy man. ![FB_IMG_1522915967430.jpg]( Source : [Facebook]( As far as I am concerned, I am little confuse between the Old Lady and the Broken Leg Guy, as I can take the baby in my hand and the lady can stand. After thinking litlle, I came to a conclusion that the Old Lady (option B) needed the seat the most. Why because first of all her legs might not be so strong which can support the jerks and also shw will get tired really fast as opposed to the young guy. I am not sure what Zombie is doing in the bus, have to throw him out :P

    When Famous Site like Quora Publishes its Code without Testing

    April 04, 2018

    So while going through the Feed I just noticed that Quora is showing Server Error on its page thus something might be not working as expected. But the site which is 127 ranked as per Alexa should not be published its code without testing. ![](

    Hyderabad Travel #1 - Charminar

    April 02, 2018

    So recently I travelled to Hyderabad for a day and visited one of the famous tourist attraction in Hyderabad that is Charminar. It is constructed in 1591 and has a mosque on the top floor. While going to the Charminar you will be travelling through the small lanes where there are jewellery shop on both the sides and Charminar looked amazing through that small lane. ![IMG_20180324_123716.jpg](

    A lot of activities happens near charminar like a small get together or a wedding ceremony because of the Iconic figure. ![IMG_20180324_123759.jpg](
    There are windows on the top floor and almost all of them are totally identical on each sides. ![IMG_20180324_123829.jpg](
    There is also a Temple located at the base of Charminar. ![IMG_20180324_124036.jpg](
    Also, Charminar was getting painted that's why you can see bamboo sticks on the two minars of the right side. ![IMG_20180324_124247.jpg](