My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    Howrah Bridge in West Bengal

    May 08, 2018

    Howrah Bridge is a lifeline for most of the people in Kolkata because it connects Howrah with Kolkata. Daily millions of people cross this bridge for their work be it by walking or by any transportation. It was built on 1943 and till today it stands strong. Howrah bridge is a cantilever bridge which means it is supported only at the end and also it does not have nuts and bolts. ![IMG_20180330_170653.jpg]( ![IMG_20180330_171212.jpg]( ![IMG_20180330_171433.jpg]( ![IMG_20180330_171448.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Nice Opportunity to Showcase your Steemit Application to Dev Community outside of Steemit

    May 07, 2018

    I was reading some article on latest technologies on where I came across a dev contest. The theme of the contest is simple where you need to create a Real-Time Application which uses Pusher Channels Real-Time API. > The theme of this contest is to create a real-time app or a hack that uses Pusher Channels real-time API. Link: ![]( To all the web app or mobile app created on the Steem Blockchain can take part on this contest. A simple scenario can be creating a notification system where whenever a new vote or comment added on the post you can show that real time using Pusher Channels. Pusher has a lot of tutorials which can be read upon and its fairly easy to add it in any languages be it Web or Mobile. If you have any other idea on your mind of a real-time app which you can think of, you can share it here. So any developer can take it up and build upon that idea.

    Are you a Smart driver or Fast driver?

    May 06, 2018

    A question to everyone out there that are you a Smart Driver or a Fast Driver?. You might ask what is the difference. The difference is the condition of Road. Not all parts of the world have good roads where you can ride above 100 KMPH. That being said you need not have to ride it over it always, you have to ride safely that makes you a smart driver. ![]( PC: I ride 40 KMs through and fro every day on my motorbike and my ideal speed is 60 KMPH, that does not mean that I am not capable of riding over 100 KMPH. This is because I know that on Indian City Roads (e.g. Bangalore) it is safe to ride below 60 KMPH. When I hit highway my speed goes up to 80 KMPH, because i know the condition of highway roads are much better than the city roads. There is no special skill required to ride a motorbike above 100 KMPH, you just have to press the accelerator and the motorbike which is capable of riding at that speed will do its job. But you have to think that it needs practice to handle the motorbike on that speed. I see so many teenagers riding at a fast speed which gives them Kick, but that also lead to so many accidents. One of the accident was of a famous cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin's son Mohammad Ayazuddin whose Suzuki 1000-cc superbike skidded and crashed.

    A nice location to Visit

    May 04, 2018

    Bangalore is surrounded with nice looking places which you can visit in a day, once such place is near Hindupur. While traveling on the train you can see these locations. It was an evening when the sky is almost blood red. ![IMG_20180502_184223_2.jpg]( ![IMG_20180502_184152_2.jpg]( ![IMG_20180502_184223_3.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Visit to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, Delhi, India

    May 03, 2018

    I have recently visited to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara which is situated in Capital City of India i.e. Delhi. Main Entrance ![IMG_20180422_144744.jpg]( Entrance to the Temple ![IMG_20180422_145224.jpg]( Entrance to the Gurudwara ![IMG_20180422_150824.jpg]( A brief history of Gurudwara Bangla Sahib ![IMG_20180422_151014.jpg]( Inside of Gurudwara ![IMG_20180422_150751.jpg]( A Pond inside Gurudwara ![IMG_20180422_150738.jpg]( Worshipping Place ![IMG_20180422_145811.jpg]( Decorations Made of Flowers ![IMG_20180422_144812.jpg]( Camera : Nokia 6

    Spotted Chipmunk in the Park

    April 27, 2018

    A small little chipmunk was spotted. ![image](

    ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Photography - Getting Deep into the Flower

    April 20, 2018

    A nice looking flower which has petals and it is full bloom. ![IMG_20180420_135322.jpg](

    Took my camera little inside to see how beautiful the flower is from inside. ![IMG_20180420_135302.jpg](
    Little more deep to know from where it all has been started. ![IMG_20180420_135312.jpg](
    ### Camera : Nokia 6

    GoldenHourPhotography - A ray of Hope

    April 19, 2018

    #### An Image Clicked while on the MotorBike and waiting for the signal to become Green

    ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Do Motivational Speeches Create A Difference in Your Life?

    April 18, 2018


    Do Motivational Speeches Create A Difference in Your Life?
    PC :
    When you feel down, you tend to read articles about Motivation or listen to motivational speeches. So my question to all of you guys that do Motivational articles or Speeches create a difference in your life or it is just for the sake of reading articles you read it and then forget it all together. # A termed Motivation in its simple form means "to move on" means whatever situation you are in, you have to move out from that situation as soon as possible to feel higher. But how you are gonna move out? Do Motivational Speeches talk about that? All the motivational speeches out there revolve about generating inspirations from someone's life and then asked you do the same, does everyone's life the same? Can everyone do the same task to succeed or to move on from his desperation as discussed in the motivational speech? Whenever you hear any motivational speech the speaker mainly talked about his own experience or similar incident where someone has overcome it very brilliantly or quote some famous quotes on motivation. That can motivate the audience but does it actually encourage the audience to succeed in its path until and unless he works on that. ![]( PC : I am not denying the fact that Motivational Speeches are good because it moved so many people around the globe to move on and work through all the difficulties they are facing but does only motivational speeches helped them or do they have to start working on it to make it good.
    ### What are your Thoughts on this?