My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    Comments with HTML Tags should be shown properly

    January 02, 2018

    I am very much interested in SteepShot as it allows you to upload your photos with hashtag just like Instagram. I like to take photos and sometimes it is just a photo which will tell everything without any word spoken. Steepshot gives you an option for that. I was looking for some posts and found out that SteepShot is not showing the HTML tags correctly. As shown below. ![image.png]( My Suggestion is that it should show the HTML tags correctly, like should bold the text inside it just like below. Its not good to see the HTML tags here and there, and people do not able to understand as well. ![image.png](

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    New Year Gift by Steem Rocketing to Over $6

    January 02, 2018

    ### Happy New Year Steemians ### Happy New year to everyone out here, what more you can expect from Steemit where your money just got doubled. I always changed my SBD to Steem because I knew one day or the other Steem price will go to Moon. At the time of writing this post Steem price is $6.31 which is 103.36% increase in 24 Hours as seen in ![]( This is the best gift Steemains can get on the New Year as your hard work value is just doubled from 3$ to 6$. Just going through the Chart we can say it is not just a Random Pump, the price is going to stay and we will see the price of Steem to increase in near future. This is because of the awesome community as well as the new projects like SMT coming in. I hope by the end of 1st Quater Steem price will reach $10. What is your opinion about this increase?

    Seven Days of Black and White Challenge - Day 4

    January 02, 2018

    I was nominated for the Seven Days Black and White Challenge by @geetharao Mam. So the rules of the challenge is - 1 - Take 7 black and white photos, that represent the aspect of your life. 2 - Present one image everyday for seven days.. 3 - No People. 4 - No explanation.. 5 - Nominate someone everyday, although anyone can join in. 6 - Use the tag # sevendaybnwphotochallenge as one of your five tags. 7 - Adding a title is optional. Day 4 : ![IMG_20180102_092700_2.jpg]( I would like to nominate @syedumair, who also likes to take photos from his smartphone.

    Sunset on the New Year Eve

    December 31, 2017

    # Happy New Year Steemians #### My Share for #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108 A View of Sunset on the New Year Eve, a last sunset of the year and an amazing one. Be safe on this new year and be happy. ![IMG_20171220_181223.jpg]( ![IMG_20171220_181232.jpg](

    Lets Take a Morning Walk with me

    December 30, 2017

    After a long time, I went for a morning walk. Before you judge me, I must say that I am healthy but to keep me in shape I do sometimes go to Morning Walk. After tiring 5 days in the week, people like me (lazy) just want to sleep on Saturday and Sunday. But today was different, I had made up my mind that I will go for a morning walk today atleast. You know what I like about Morning, that it is so refreshing and you feel that something will good happen today as everyday is a new beginning for me at-least. So coming back to the morning walk I have started from home around 5:30 AM (was dark as hell as well as cold) but I was determined. It was a 10 minutes walk to the nearest Park which is like 10 huge. People come here around 4:30 AM, I always wonder whats-up with these people either they have whole day to sleep or they are very cautious about their health, either way it was none of my business. Since it was after some day I only kept walking and not running which I usually do. The below image is one of the section of the park where people walk bare foot and it is called Acupressure Section, it does its job very well. ![IMG_20171230_063745.jpg]( People like me who wants to be healthy are coming to the park ![IMG_20171230_064212.jpg]( I must say I did not have any intention to take great picture, it just happened. A nice little pond with trees all around which enhances its view to the core. ![IMG_20171230_064338.jpg]( ![IMG_20171230_064349.jpg]( At the end, I did finished the Goal which is of 6000 steps and I walked 6250 steps in an hour. ![Screenshot_20171230-185127.png](

    Follow @codingdefined

    Get All the Online Members of Discord using Discordie

    December 29, 2017

    Recently I had the requirement to get all the Online Members of a Discord Server. It was not as difficult as it seems to be. I will share that in this tutorial how to get that Step by Step. In my previous tutorial post [Send Message to Discord using Discordie NPM Package](, I have told why I use Discordie. To get started with Discordie all the information are there on that post like Installation and the basics. Now when you are up and running with the Discordie you will get all the Users using the command `console.log(client.Users);`, but the drawback of using it is that it will give it as a IUserCollection.

    Now when we have all the IUserCollection to get the Users from it we can create a loop(forEach) to go through all the members in the loop like below: `client.Users.forEach(user => { });` When you try to get the contents of each user by writing `console.log(user)` you will get it as an IUser as shown below which has id, username, discriminator, avatar and bot which are discord properties.
    But along with this we have one more property known as status which will give me the status of that particular IUser as shown below : ``` client.Users.forEach(user => { console.log(user); console.log(user.status); }); ```
    So you can filter out the Online Members with Offline Members, but there are methods to do it also if you know the channel id and guild id.

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    Color Challenge - Friday Blue - Blue Sky

    December 29, 2017

    My today's post about the Color Challenge is a Blue Sky. There is every detail about this picture and I love watching it again and again. It was the time of sunset where the clouds were amazing, the rays of the sun were easily visible and also the Birds. ![IMG_20171225_174037.jpg](

    ### Camera : Nokia 6

    Seven Days of Black and White Challenge - Day 3

    December 28, 2017

    I was nominated for the Seven Days Black and White Challenge by @geetharao Mam. So the rules of the challenge is - 1 - Take 7 black and white photos, that represent the aspect of your life. 2 - Present one image everyday for seven days.. 3 - No People. 4 - No explanation.. 5 - Nominate someone everyday, although anyone can join in. 6 - Use the tag # sevendaybnwphotochallenge as one of your five tags. 7 - Adding a title is optional. Day 3 : ![IMG_20171226_183102_2.jpg]( I would like to nominate @safrijals, who also likes to take photos from his smartphone.

    Get New, Hot, Trending Links from Steemit

    December 27, 2017

    SteemDC is been created by [@wehmoen](, you can read about it [here]( I thought of adding features in this bot where you can get new, hot and trending links from Steemit. The features SteemDC had were !steem, and I have added !hot, !created and !trending. It shows the Pending Payout, Total Votes, Posted Time and the Steemit Link. ![image.png]( To do this I am using Functions in Utils as `utils.getDiscussionByCreated(tag, limit)` - Get limit number of created posts of the tag `utils.getDiscussionByHot(tag, limit)` - Get limit number of hot posts of the tag `utils.getDiscussionByTrending(tag, limit)` - Get limit number of trending posts of the tag where the underlying function are send as a promise ``` getDiscussionByCreated: function(tag, limit) { return new Promise(function (yes, no) { steem.api.getDiscussionsByCreated({tag: tag, limit: limit}, function (err, result) { if(err) no(err); yes(result); }); }) }, getDiscussionsByHot: function(tag, limit) { return new Promise(function (yes, no) { steem.api.getDiscussionsByHot({tag: tag, limit: limit}, function (err, result) { if(err) no(err); yes(result); }); }) }, getDiscussionsByTrending: function(tag, limit) { return new Promise(function (yes, no) { steem.api.getDiscussionsByTrending({tag: tag, limit: limit}, function (err, result) { if(err) no(err); yes(result); }); }) } ``` And for Posting to Discord I am first creating the PrintLink as shown below ``` printLink: function(result) { let value = "Pending Payout : " + result.pending_payout_value; value += "\nTotal Votes : " + result.net_votes; value += "\nPosted Time : " + time_ago(new Date(result.created) - (1000 * 60)); value += "\n" + result.url; return value; } ``` and post the printLink directly to Discord. However the functionality is greatly improved by @wehmoen and he uses embed function now which display it very nicely on Discord. GitHub Repo : Pull Request :

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    Seven Days of Black and White Challenge - Day 2

    December 27, 2017

    I was nominated for the Seven Days Black and White Challenge by @geetharao Mam. So the rules of the challenge is - 1 - Take 7 black and white photos, that represent the aspect of your life. 2 - Present one image everyday for seven days.. 3 - No People. 4 - No explanation.. 5 - Nominate someone everyday, although anyone can join in. 6 - Use the tag # sevendaybnwphotochallenge as one of your five tags. 7 - Adding a title is optional. Day 2 : ![IMG_20171226_182925_2.jpg]( I would like to nominate @greensky, as I want to see his cute little son again.