My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    [SmartphonePhotography] Mighty Waves in the Sea

    January 13, 2018

    This week's theme for smartphonephotography is: **Water**, initiated by @juliank. So I am sharing the image of a Wave in the Sea which was just going to touch my feet. ![IMG_20180108_100139.jpg]( ### Camera : Nokia 6, No Editing Done

    Trees on both side of the Road

    January 13, 2018

    We must agree to this point that we all want to live close to nature where we can get fresh air to breathe. But unfortunately it is not the case for most part of the world. There are big cities where you get big buildings and have hardly any sign of trees. I also stay in a big city but whenever I get time I will escape to get some fresh air. Recently I was going out of the city where I have seen trees on both side of the Road, which makes travel so smooth and refreshing. I was wondering, if this can be done all over the world where we can plant trees on the road side which will help the environment big time. ![IMG_20180101_160027.jpg]( ![IMG_20180101_160029.jpg](

    Utopian Moderator Intro - CodingDefined

    January 12, 2018

    I have been moderating Posts for quite sometime, but before starting moderation I was one of the early adapters of where I used to write Posts about Tutorials, Suggestions, Bug Reports as well as Development. The main motivation for me to become a Utopian Moderator is that I can see a lot of stuff happening on the Open Source and can filter out the best one out of those. Professionally I am a Software Developer having 5.5 years of experience. All my years I have coded in ASP.NET but I know other languages too like Node.js, R, Angular etc. I have also fixed few bugs in Utopian and improved the Search feature of the same. I have knowledge of SOLR search engine and Jenkins (Continous Integration and Deployment Software). I know Hindi, Bengali, English, and learning Kannada. I have created BidBot which is a Discord Bot to check Price and Get the Latest, Hot, Trending Posts with the help of @reggaemuffin. I have two NPM packages which includes cryptoticker(Cryptocurrency Price Checker) and pincode(Gets Pincode info of Indian Cities). I have also created a Discord Upvote Bot for The Steem Engine Community. I also have a website where I share tutorials of what I am learning currently and also if any bug I encountered (along with solution).

    [Colourfulphotography] Celebration in a Temple

    January 12, 2018

    There was a celebration going on in the nearby temple which I have visited last evening. I am sharing few glimpses of those temple and the colorful decoration. ![IMG_20171231_214656.jpg]( ![IMG_20171231_214416.jpg]( ![IMG_20171231_214612.jpg](

    MSSQL-CLI : Command Line query Tool for SQL Server

    January 11, 2018

    SQL Server is among one of the best Relational Databases out there. The problem with Microsoft tools was that it was only working with Windows and not cross platform. Now Microsoft also started creating tools for Cross Platform, one such example is SQL Server 2017 which is released for Linux. Similarly it has released MSSQL-CLI which is a cross-platform command line client for SQL Server which can be used in Linux, Mac or even Windows. To get started you need to have Python installed on your system and then install the CLI using the PIP command as shown below : `pip install mssql-cli` ![image.png]( Once done you can check all the commands available using `mssql-cli --help` ![image.png]( Next is to connect the Database and explore different features of MSSQL-CLI. For connecting to the database you need to run the command `mssql-cli -S YourServerName -E -d YourDatabaseName` ![image.png]( Now some of the Important features are shown below of the MSSQL-CLI and they are Auto-completion and Syntax Highlighting with Green as shown below. One more thing I have seen which can be seen in above GIF is that if you have written the command before it will take that command and show you in the current command if you would like to run it again. Now I feel it is a great advantage not only for the Mac or Linux user but also for the Windows user, one of the advantage is It is fast I can query and get the result in seconds and I can do a lot of stuff on the CLI itself.

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    Color Challenge - Thursday Green - View From Train

    January 11, 2018

    So recently I traveled from Bangalore to Kolkata by train which is approximately 2000 Kms distance and it takes close to 35 hours of train journey. You get to see a lot of awesome scenes. One of the scene is shown below where there are lot of trees just at the starting of the hill. ![IMG_20180110_144842_2.jpg](

    Color Challenge - Friday Blue - Blue Sky and Water

    January 05, 2018

    This image is taken in Dubai where I went last year. I wouldn't say Image is great but the scene is real beauty as you can see both sky and water of the same color. ![IMG-20160213-WA0063.jpg](

    Color Challenge - Thursday Green - Greenery

    January 04, 2018

    My today's post about the Color Challenge is some glimpses of Green Park. It is so good to see the greenery all around and Green is also one of my favorite color. Its the color of nature and soothing in the eyes. So this weekend I have gone to a nearby park and its a big park with a lot of trees around it. Its one of the biggest park in Bangalore with lot of people come here for picnic. ### Bamboo Trees with Glimpse of Sun ![IMG_20180101_170028.jpg]( ### Birds Enjoying their Time ![IMG_20180101_164730.jpg]( ### My Favorite Place to Sit ![IMG_20180101_165057.jpg](

    Recover Lost Admin Password in Jenkins

    January 03, 2018

    Jenkins is an open-source automation server which is used to automate tasks like building the project, deploying. I am using Jenkins for building .Net projects and then deploying it on to the Dev, Stage and Prod Server. Creating a Job in Jenkins means creating Pipeline (Jenkins Pipeline) which is a combination of plugins used to create continuous flow of actions. For Example : I will create a Jenkins Pipeline which will Build the .Net Project from Github and then deploy it to the Windows Server. For that I need to add a GitHub Plugin which will check if any new commits have been added or not, MSBuild plugin for building the .Net Project and the last is msdeploy for deploying the build to the server. This is the small introduction of Jenkins and Jenkins Pipeline. So I am the admin of the jenkins server and we have Jenkins Security, so that I can only run the pipelines. But recently after updating my Windows from 7 to 10, I lost all my saved password. I know, I should have backed up. Now I cannot login to Jenkins and they also do not have an option to Reset the password. So, the Only thing pending for me to update the Config File. I will show you the Step by Step process how I have recovered the password or better way to say How I managed to Login again to Jenkins Server. Step 1 : You need to get an Admin Privilege for the Windows Server where you have hosted your Jenkins and login to the Server and go inside the Jenkins folder. Step 2 : Then you need to Stop the Jenkins Service Using Command `jenkins.exe stop` Step 3 : Open config.xml file and update useSecurity as `false`. ![image.png]( Step 4 : Start Jenkins Service Using Command `jenkins.exe start`. Step 5 : Now from the website again create a new User having the Admin privilege. These are the above steps to recover the account if you have lost the admin password, but I do recommend not to lose the password and take a back up of it.

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    Seven Days of Black and White Challenge - Day 5

    January 03, 2018

    I was nominated for the Seven Days Black and White Challenge by @geetharao Mam. So the rules of the challenge is - 1 - Take 7 black and white photos, that represent the aspect of your life. 2 - Present one image everyday for seven days.. 3 - No People. 4 - No explanation.. 5 - Nominate someone everyday, although anyone can join in. 6 - Use the tag # sevendaybnwphotochallenge as one of your five tags. 7 - Adding a title is optional. Day 5 : ![IMG_20171230_065145_2.jpg]( I would like to nominate @knowledges, who also likes to take photos from his smartphone.