If you have started working on Steem Blockchain, it is very hard for you to find out what exactly the functions do. There are a number of functions and then you have to send query for each functions, thus without knowing about them you end up spending a lot of your time by doing trial and error.
Today I will write a tutorial about [Interactive Steem API](http://steem.esteem.ws/) which will help you to interact with the Steem Blockchain, make a request and get output then and there. Thus you do not have to write it on your .js file to know what exactly a function does.

PC : http://steem.esteem.ws/
As you can see above, the functions are differentiated on different categories. Lets take an example of Post Category, where there are number of functions like /get_discussions_by_hot, /get_discussions_by_feed, /get_discussions_by_trending, etc...

PC : http://steem.esteem.ws/#/Post
We are going to check for /get_discussions_by_trending where it is written that the "query example {"limit":"10", "tag":"steem"} OR {"start_author":"author", "permlink":"permlink"} for pagination". Now we will now using it what exactly is the query means.
Now the next thing is to click on "Try It Out", once done you can see that a response body is created which has all the details of the Trending post as of now.

I feel, this tutorial is helpful to get you started with the awesome apps which you can create using the Steem BlockChain. There are number of functions which you can use to create an awesome looking website.
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