My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    Edit Button Just Spins and Does Not Load Edit Page in

    November 28, 2017

    When you go to your profile and click Edit Button just below the Contribution. ![image.png]( It just spins and does not do anything as shown below. It did not gave any Console Error also, might be it did not get the timely response from the Server. ![]( ### Expected Behaviour It should open up the Edit page for that particular Contribution. ##### Browser : Chrome

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    Read Encrypted Memo using Steem.js

    November 27, 2017

    Steem allows you to send Encrpted message to everyone, and Steem.js already have built-in functions to encode and decode the memo. If you want to send an encrypted memo to any other people just append '# ' before your memo like below '# Testing is this is encrypted' In this tutorial, I will show how you can decrypt the memo send to you. If anyone has send you an encrypted message, the blockchain will show that message as shown below : ![image.png]( The code to decode the memo is using the function steem.memo.decode() where you have to pass the Memo Private Key as the first argument (memo private key can be of any one of the two i.e. sender or receiver) whereas the encoded message from the blockchain as the second argument as shown below - `steem.memo.decode('Private Memo Key', '#AcWtdaiAKfHS5YkrJcFjtMMfFEzFn78AB23sbwt4TYWhMvevhV1F34hp7gjPDDgTKaaWWV6CnMYjr6ZWEEmMwbo4MpRM5huam9qUbXd9JjJf46uSwK9aRiy3u1s3K2H4DNzCuCopY1v3Yhcjp8r5Rt7')` Once we run the above code after including the Memo Key, the decoded output is shown below : ![image.png]( Hope this tutorial is helpful if you would like to build your application and wanted to use Encryption of the memo and do not want people to read that memo instead of yourself or the one you have send the memo.

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    A Simple Manual Discord Upvote Bot

    November 24, 2017

    This development contribution is about a simple manual discord upvote bot of Steemit which was written for the Discord Group Admins who want to upvote their group members. It is using npm packages Discordie to talk to Discord and Steem to talk to Steem Blockchain. At first we will connect to the Discord Server after passing the Discord Bot Token. Once connected we will wait for the commands till we receive the $upvote command. Once we receive the $upvote command with the Steem URL we will get the author and the permalink of the the post to upvote. After that using the the function `steem.broadcast.voteAsync()` we will vote on that particular post. One think to note here that we can add how much percentage of upvote we are gonna use. So for example when we try to upvote a url with 15% we will write like below `$upvote Steem_url 15` ![image.png]( ### Things Pending to be implemented 1. Error Handling 2. Upvote only post which is 12 hours before the payout Suggestions for the Bot are always welcome. Github Repo : Commit :

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    Showing Will Release Payout even after Actual Payout in

    November 23, 2017

    I have two contribution where it says that it will release the Payout even after the Actual Payout. As shown below for the "Displaying only Non Private Repo of the User in" the tile it was posted was 9 days before, and the payout happened before two days. Even though it is showing Will release 2 days ago. Similarly for "Searching Github Repository on Exact Terms" it was posted 12 days before and it is showing Will release 5 days ago ![]( Expected Behaviour should show the actual payout as shown below ![image.png]( Browser : Chrome Steps to Reproduce : Check all the past Payouts in my Contributions

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    Task Request Not Aligned Properly

    November 23, 2017

    As is still in its early phases, you get to see a lot of changes every day. Once such change was revamping the GitHub Connection. It was a good change where you have all the repository can be seen at once and you can also write Task Request on clicking on any one of them However, I found a bug where the Task Request Icon is coming on the 2nd line and outside the box if the Name of the repository is large as shwon below. ![image.png]( Expected Behavior should be that the Task Request Icon should be like below where if the length of repo name is long wnough we can cut it and place "...". ![image.png]( Browser - Chrome For Steps to reproduce you need to create a repo whose name is long.

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    Grand Flower Bouquet at UB City Mall

    November 22, 2017

    Below image is of a Grand Flower Bouquet at UB City Mall in Bangalore. What I mostly like about this bouquet is the colour combination. You can also see water colour is also red which gives this Bouquet a nice texture all together. The height of this is nearly 6 Feet along with the Stool where it was kept. ![IMG_20171119_143618.jpg](

    Tutorial about Interactive Steem API

    November 22, 2017

    If you have started working on Steem Blockchain, it is very hard for you to find out what exactly the functions do. There are a number of functions and then you have to send query for each functions, thus without knowing about them you end up spending a lot of your time by doing trial and error. Today I will write a tutorial about [Interactive Steem API]( which will help you to interact with the Steem Blockchain, make a request and get output then and there. Thus you do not have to write it on your .js file to know what exactly a function does. ![image.png]( PC : As you can see above, the functions are differentiated on different categories. Lets take an example of Post Category, where there are number of functions like /get_discussions_by_hot, /get_discussions_by_feed, /get_discussions_by_trending, etc... ![image.png]( PC : We are going to check for /get_discussions_by_trending where it is written that the "query example {"limit":"10", "tag":"steem"} OR {"start_author":"author", "permlink":"permlink"} for pagination". Now we will now using it what exactly is the query means. Now the next thing is to click on "Try It Out", once done you can see that a response body is created which has all the details of the Trending post as of now. ![image.png]( I feel, this tutorial is helpful to get you started with the awesome apps which you can create using the Steem BlockChain. There are number of functions which you can use to create an awesome looking website.

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    Found Similar Contributions to be added on Right Hand Side

    November 21, 2017

    As per the latest design "Found Similar Contributions" are added at the bottom of the page. Its very difficult for a normal user to go to the bottom of the page to find out the Similar Contribution. I am suggesting if we can add it to the right hand side above the GitHub Connection as shown below. ![image.png]( We can also reduce the Font Size of the text to 10 px so that it can be accommodated on the right-hand side of the page in Please let me know if you have better suggestion.

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    50% SBD is not receiving when Reward dropdown changed

    November 20, 2017

    So in one of the [ post]( I have changed the Reward from 100% Steem Power to 50% SBD and 50% SP. But when I got the payout it was not 50% SBD and 50% SP. The Post : Reward Payout from Steemd - 0.118 SBD and 51.962 SP whereas total Author Payout was $47.40. ![image.png]( ![image.png]( ### Steps to Reroduce 1. Create a post from and change the Reward to 50% SBD and 50% SP. 2. Wait for 7 days till you get the payout. 3. The SBD and SP received has a huge difference and they are not 50%. ### Browser: Chrome

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    Fixing Few Bugs in

    November 20, 2017

    I have worked on fixing two bugs in [Issue #96]( - Bug when navigating to a project page reported by @nathpaiement - Here in this when you navigate to the project page on the first click it does not work and the view remains same however the address bar changes. When you open the console you will get an error like cannot read property 'id' of null. ![image.png]( To fix this issue I need to add an extra parameter when we go through all the contributions as shown below. At first, we were checking if the projectId is present, but we need to check repository id as well. `if (match.params.projectId &&` Commit of the previous change:

    [Issue #12]( - Search results disappear when scrolling to the bottom as shown below. In the inspect element you can see that we are querying a lot of times ![image.png]( To fix this issue we have to limit the API query to only up-to how many results we have. To fix this I have changed SearchFeed.js file to inlcude the below code ``` if( !== 0 && <= this.state.skip){ return; } ``` Thus when the total results are less than the querying result, I am returning from there and not going to call the contributions again. Commit of the change : Pull Requests :

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