My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    Indians are gearing up for Diwali Festival

    October 18, 2017

    Diwali or Deepavali is the biggest of all Hindu festivals and it is a festival of lights celebrated every year. Every street in India will be lightened up either with lights or Diyas. So Indians are gearing up for the Diwali Festival and I would like to show some pictures on just one day before the Diwali. ![IMG_20171018_175404.jpg]( ![IMG_20171018_191611.jpg]( ![IMG_20171018_180002.jpg]( ![IMG_20171018_180151.jpg]( ![IMG_20171018_213746.jpg](

    Follow @codingdefined

    A Dual Milestone Achieved in Steemit

    October 18, 2017

    So by looking at the Profile I have noticed that I have achieved a dual milestone i.e. 55 Reputation and 600 Followers. Its not that it is a big achievement but its something to be documented. ![]( I am here for 3.5 months and I know that in terms of rewards I am not gaining a lot, but I can proudly said that I have made few good friends out here and I guess that is what more important to build a community rather than just the rewards. I am also working on some of the coding projects which will help integrating Discord App more with Steemit, and would like to contribute more for this awesome community. Thanks All

    Follow @codingdefined

    ColorChallenge - Tuesday Orange - An Orange Flower

    October 17, 2017

    My today's entry for #colorchallenge by @kalemandra is an orange flower. This image was taken in Coorg, India.

    ##### An Orange Flower
    ##### Camera : Nokia 6
    ##### Follow @codingdefined

    How to Deposit and Withdraw Bitcoins using Paypal

    October 17, 2017

    A few days back I was searching that is there a way where I can deposit or withdraw using Paypal. I came accross a site called Virwox which allows you to do the conversion between the Paypal money and the Bitcoin. Using [Virwox]() is not as simple as it looks. At first, you need to Buy SLL (Second Life Linden Dollars) using your currency through the SLL/USD exchange. Now when you have the SLL you can buy Bitcoin using the SLL/BTC exchange. The only disadvantage which I feel using this system is the High Fees. Just look at the fees below. So If I want to convert from USD to Bitcoin 100 SLL is the fixed fees (two exchange USD/SLL and SLL/BTC) and then the variable fees. ![]( PC : But wait not only that, there is a fees on withdrawal also which is 0.001BTC per BTC (A handling fee of 0.001 BTC per bitcoin withdrawal will be charged). The advantage of using it is the Security. They are one of the most secure websites out there. Even if the advantage is very less as compared to the disadvantage but I feel there is a way by which I can send the money over to Bitcoin Wallet using the Paypal. Have you tried Virwox, if yes please share the experience with us.

    Life of a Software Engineer

    October 16, 2017

    A software engineer is a most envied person in the whole world. It is not because of the educational background or the type of work he do – it is mainly because of his life style. Now I am going to list out some of the outstanding features of a software engineer’s life right from the initial phase to the fully developed product. ![]( PC : [Pixabay]( Most of us almost have our tags around our neck or in our belts all the time, even when we are out of work. When we walk, when we eat or when we drink. Only some of us are born with silver spoon and rest of us are born with our tags. Sounds funny, but a real fact. You know what’s our favorite web site? its google and other search engines. If one day, these search engines goes down – almost every software company around the world is going to face a heavy productivity loss. Bugs are our dear buddies. They are the byproducts of the software we develop. Those who test our software has the habit of filling bugs and we have the habit of saying it’s a feature or its working as expected. Of course we don’t say it all the time, we say it only when we can’t fix the bug. These are the people who are ours biggest night mare. Workaround is one common word you are going to hear from us. In simple terms for an example, if we cannot write a program to sum one and one to get two, we will just write a program that’s sum up five and tem, then subtract thirteen from it. Please don’t ask why we do it, it’s a workaround. We provide job opportunities to thousands of people around the world. As we are unable to perform our day to day errands due to our work nature. Hence, eventually, there are a lot of third party companies coming up who help us pay our bills, book our tickets and helps us do our basic works. Aren’t we great?? Apart from alcoholics, smokers and other forms of people, we also have special kind of people in our industry who are called workaholics. They are special breed of people whom you can find in office any time of the day including weekends. If we drill down to the cause of this issue, we also get to know this is because of the difference between “hard workers” and “people who hardly work”. For us, any word with a “e-” as a suffix is quite interesting. We like emails, we work in e-commerce, we book tickets by e-booking. I honestly guess, there should some “e-food” or “e-family” research going on some part of the globe so one day we have everything in “e-“. We won’t die if we don’t have air or food or water or shelter. But, we are sure to die if you don’t let us be connected to the internet. To conclude I would only like to say that >“Life of a software engineer can be summarized in twelve words – in right and left click, they live a life without any life" By Saravana Kumar Murugan Reference : From the web

    Spring or Autumn? What do you think

    October 15, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone
    What do you think looking at the below picture, is it Spring or Autumn? and Why?
    The image was taken from the train while travelling to Kolkata

    Camera : Nokia 6, Edited on phone

    Follow @codingdefined

    How Changing Focus can help you to get a Great Image

    October 14, 2017

    If you were following my blog I post a lot of photos and mainly taken from Mobile Camera. To take a good photo you do not need a DSLR or something, a normal camera can take great image as well. You need to keep in mind few things when taking images. In that one important factor is the focus. Focussing on the right object can make a image from good to great. Let me show you an example. The below image is the first image where the focus is kept on the sky. When the focus is on the sky, the trees are hardly visible and all are almost black in colour. ![steemit_sunset_focus1.jpg]( The below image is the second image where the focus is kept on the trees. When the focus is on the trees, the sky just glooms out in which you can hardly see the sun. ![steemit_sunset_focus2.jpg]( This is the picture perfect where the focus is one the edge of the sky and the trees, thus you can see clearly the sun as well as teh trees. And since it was raining on that day, you can also see the water droplets. ![steemit_sunset_focus3.jpg]( Now when you have the image you can do some editing, like colour enhancement, contrast, brightness to make this image a little more soothing. In my next post I will show how to edit the image from your Smartphone itself. So after the editing the above image will look like below : ![]( The above image is also shared [here](

    All the images are taken from Nokia 6 Camera

    Follow @codingdefined

    ColorChallenge - Friday Blue - Blue Sky

    October 13, 2017

    I enjoy taking Sunset with my Mobile Camera as there are so many colours all around. One such picture I took few days back where the clouds were dancing all around making the sky as beautiful as Earth.

    ##### Blue Sky during Sunset
    ##### Camera : Nokia 6 with Editing
    ##### Follow @codingdefined

    ColorChallenge - Thursday Green - Trees in Rain

    October 12, 2017

    Yesterday it was raining in bangalore at the evening time. There were clouds all around but the sun was still visible. I tried to capture the sky keeping the focus on the trees so that rain will be visible. I would love to know the feedback about the photo, how I would have improved it.

    ##### Trees In Rain during Sunset
    ![image]( After some editing ![image](
    ##### Camera : Nokia 6
    ##### Follow @codingdefined

    Photography - Water Droplets on Glass Window

    October 11, 2017

    So it's raining here in Bangalore, India. Its the best time to capture some photos and also be little creative. In my last post I said that we want to be little creative in any think you do , so today I try to be little creative with my Mobile Camera.

    ![image]( ![image]( ![image](
    ##### Camera - Nokia 6, No Editing
    ##### Follow @codingdefined