There are a lot of successful people out there, just take an example on Steemit alone, ever wondered how they got success. The answer to this question is their creativeness. Just pick up any successful people and you will see they have done things differently which is nothing but the creativity which they apply on whatever they do. The creativity can be applied to anything you do whether you paint, dance, take photos, or you are in any specific fields like medicine, science, engineering etc.

PC : [Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/en/inspiration-idea-design-success-2706595/)
The best thing about creativity is that it brings innovation as well. Let's take an example, let's say you do photography, so next time when you try to capture try to be little creative (different angle, keep the focus on a different place), you will notice a change then and there.
We all humans have the gift of creativity but we lack the ability to know how to be creative. So if you haven't been creative enough then start learning a different form of creativeness in your field and you will notice the change simultaneously. Before being creative you have to let go your fear of failure or thinking too much ahead. Just start from simple things and then take it to the next level. Always keep a simple goal ahead, what you need to do next and don't think too much at once (that is impossible to get).
If you are aware that what is stopping you from being creative then you are the best person to know how to move past that obstruction. Move out from your personal space and generate a new idea like you have never done before. Again if you think creative then the ideas will start to flow. Thus when ideas will start it eventually inspire you to change your course of action.

PC : [Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/en/question-questions-man-head-2519654/)
Now to give you an example, let say you take a lot of photos and think how to be more creative in that. My suggestion would be to start editing your photos with few colours here and there, try blurring it out. Now that's enough to get you going.
So all the creative minds out there just start thinking creatively and you will get a lot of ideas. One more good news for you is that the art of creativenss can be cultivated with the help of practice. You need to be consistent, patient and start practice, you will notice it soon.