My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    #ColorChallenge - Wednesday Yellow - Yellow Window

    October 11, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone
    My entry for today's #colorchallenge by @kalemandra

    Pratap Gaurav Kendra Front Gate in Udaipur
    The image was taken on my visit to Udaipur, Rajasthan in the month of March this year

    ![IMG_20170303_135339364.jpg]( ![IMG_20170303_135332361.jpg](
    Camera : Moto X Play, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    Let's Discuss the role of Creativeness in Success

    October 10, 2017

    There are a lot of successful people out there, just take an example on Steemit alone, ever wondered how they got success. The answer to this question is their creativeness. Just pick up any successful people and you will see they have done things differently which is nothing but the creativity which they apply on whatever they do. The creativity can be applied to anything you do whether you paint, dance, take photos, or you are in any specific fields like medicine, science, engineering etc. ![]( PC : [Pixabay]( The best thing about creativity is that it brings innovation as well. Let's take an example, let's say you do photography, so next time when you try to capture try to be little creative (different angle, keep the focus on a different place), you will notice a change then and there. We all humans have the gift of creativity but we lack the ability to know how to be creative. So if you haven't been creative enough then start learning a different form of creativeness in your field and you will notice the change simultaneously. Before being creative you have to let go your fear of failure or thinking too much ahead. Just start from simple things and then take it to the next level. Always keep a simple goal ahead, what you need to do next and don't think too much at once (that is impossible to get). If you are aware that what is stopping you from being creative then you are the best person to know how to move past that obstruction. Move out from your personal space and generate a new idea like you have never done before. Again if you think creative then the ideas will start to flow. Thus when ideas will start it eventually inspire you to change your course of action. ![]( PC : [Pixabay]( Now to give you an example, let say you take a lot of photos and think how to be more creative in that. My suggestion would be to start editing your photos with few colours here and there, try blurring it out. Now that's enough to get you going. So all the creative minds out there just start thinking creatively and you will get a lot of ideas. One more good news for you is that the art of creativenss can be cultivated with the help of practice. You need to be consistent, patient and start practice, you will notice it soon.

    πŸ“· #ColorChallenge - Tuesday Orange - A Beautiful Sunset πŸ“·

    October 10, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone

    My today's entry for #colorchallenge by @kalemandra

    A Beautiful Sunset in Bangalore
    >When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator - Mahatma Gandhi
    ![IMG_20171003_180154.jpg]( ![IMG_20171003_180203.jpg](
    Camera - Nokia 6, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    KeyPass to Store your Steemit Password Safely

    October 07, 2017

    So after joining Steemit if you go to the Welcome page, you will notice that it's clearly written never lose your password, your account is valuable treat it like a valuable asset by keeping your password safe. >You are entirely responsible for keeping your password and keeping it secure. Save your master key and keep it somewhere safe. It is strongly recommended that you store an offline copy of your password somewhere safe in case of a hard drive failure or other calamity. Consider digital offline storage, such as a flash drive or burned CD, as well as printed paper. Use a safe deposit box for best redundancy. If your account is valuable, treat it like a valuable! Like Steemit you need to remember a lot of passwords with different combinations of password like your Windows Login, Emails, Social Media and stuff. This is were KeePass will come in handy, it will store all your password into one place and you do not need to remember all your password just one i.e. master password of KeyPass. The advantage of using KeePass is that, it keeps all your password in a most encrypted database which can be opened by a Master Password as well as it stores all your password in a single database which can be transferred from one system to another to keep the backup of your password. Along with that it have a group feature, like if you want to store master, active and psoting key of your steemit, just create a group called Steemit and store all your password there. KeePass ( is an open source that means it is free for life. As I said it is open source if you are not satisfied with their encryption algorithm you can always use yours (for all the geeks out there). ![]( PC : I use Keypass to store all my password of Steemit and other applications where I need to remember password. ![]( So why wait and remember your password just download KeyPass and then you need not have to remember your password anytime, just a master password will do :).

    Follow @codingdefined

    BWPhotoContest : Theme #landscape -Multiple Entries

    October 07, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone
    Here are my multiple entries for the BWPhotoContest ( theme #landscape) organized by @daveks

    All the images were taken in Kodagu (Coorg), Karnataka India
    1st Entry

    2nd Entry

    3rd Entry

    Camera : Nokia 6, Converted to B/W

    Follow @codingdefined

    #ColorChallenge - Friday Blue - Blue Sky

    October 06, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone
    My entry for today's #colorchallenge by @kalemandra

    Blue Sky with lot of trees
    The image was taken on my visit to Coorg, Karnataka, India
    Camera : Nokia 6, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    πŸ“· #ColorChallenge - Thursday Green- Greenery and a Crocodile πŸ“·

    October 05, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone
    My entry for today's #colorchallenge by @kalemandra

    Green Trees, Green Fencing and almost green Crocodile
    The image was taken in Bannerghatta National Park (Zoo) in Bangalore, India
    Camera : Nokia 6, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    Introducing BitBot: A Discord Bot for the Steemit Community.

    October 04, 2017

    **It so happened that, we were using few bots in Discord to find prices of certain tokens. But it was unable to find the new tokens or some tokens. This was really frustrating a bit.** So then we came up with an idea of making a bot that could find the prices of all the tokens. In this even we ran through a lot of ideas. And the bot is still in development. The bot will be completed soon. And it's looking good at the moment. The accuracy of the bot is very high. **We are just making it more advanced in-terms in finding the token you are looking.** # Bitbot Info: Bitbot is an advanced version of Banjo. We knew that banjo can't figure out all the tokens and that it uses the **WorldCoinIndex**. Bitbot uses the CoinMarketCap for more accurate information. In few days the bot will be able to notify us when a new token is added in Coin Market Cap. This can help us keep track of the tokens and that you don't miss it. **The Bot is developed by @codingdefined**. # The bot commands: The bot works with the "$" command. There are various commands for the bot. **Below are the commands list and what they do.** ```Javascript 1) $price This will tell you the price of the token you asked for. 2) $accounts Will tell you the total accounts in Steemit. 3) $hot This will tell you the hottest post that is there with the specified tag. 4) $trending This will tell you the trending post with the specified tag. 5) $created This will give you the new post that was made in steemit using the tag. ``` # Commands that we will be adding. ```Javascript 1) $top10 This will tell you the top 10 coins with reference to coinmarketcap data, 2) $rank This will trigger the specified ranked token. Eg. $rank 1 (will trigger bitcoin) 3) $new This will let you know the latest token that was added to CMC. 4) $latest This will find the recent of the latest post by the specified user. eg. ($latest manishmike10) ``` # What does this offer. This bot offers the crypto enthusiast people to find the token that they are looking for. This gives the benefit to the Curators to curate the new post and find the post they are looking for. They do not need to go to steemit to find the post. # Glimpses of usage. ![Screenshot (262).png]( **** **** ![Screenshot (263).png]( **** ***** ![Screenshot (264).png]( **** **** ### If you want to test the bot, feel free to DM me in Discord and I will invite you to the server. (manishmike10#5313) my discord ID. ## Until the bot is complete we will not invite many users in the server. ****
    **** # We will let everyone use the bot in their servers soon. But before that, please comment down and let us know that you would like to use the bot in your server. ### We need to know how many of us would love to have this bot in their server.

    πŸ“· #BeachWednesday - Digha Beach in West BengalπŸ“·

    October 04, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone

    My today's entry for #beachwednesday

    Digha Beach in West Bengal
    This image was taken last year on my visit to Digha which is a small town on the boundary of West Bengal and Odisha. It is actually a perfect weekend gataway for people who stay in Kolkata because it is just 3 hours journey to Digha.
    Camera - Motorola X Play, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    A new Discord Bot at your service

    October 04, 2017

    I have been working on a Discord Bot named BitBot (thanks to @manishmike10 for suggesting the name) which is a little helper in the discord channel. In my one of the previous post I have showed you [How to Create a Discord Bot]( , I am just continuing my development to build a Bot which will be useful for everyone inside a Discord channel. ### The features added till now are : ### **1 - Cryptocurrency Prices from CoinMarketCap** ![steemitnew1.JPG]( **2 - Get Latest, Hot and Trending Steemit Post based on the tag** ![steemitnew2.JPG]( **3 - Get Total Steemit Accounts** ![steemitnew3.JPG]( Active Development is going on to include more features in the bot. If you would like to have any features included please let me know, if its feasible I would add it. If you would like to add it to your Discord Server, do comment your discord server link. I have not deployed this bot to the server yet (need some love and upvote to buy hosting), will let you all know when it is done.

    Follow @codingdefined