My Hive Posts

    Written by Coding Defined who lives and works in India building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter

    📷 TreeTuesday - A group of trees

    October 03, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone

    My today's entry for #TreeTuesday
    I travelled to Coorg last week and found this amazing looking scene. I actually do not know the name of the trees, but what's interesting is that the height of all the trees are almost the same just like mother nature wants each and every child of his to get equal opportunity.
    Camera - Nokia 6, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    All your b/w images can be created using the single image

    October 03, 2017

    Let's consider a 256 x 256 pixels grey scale image as shown below i.e. the image is 256 pixels wide and 256 pixels tall.

    PC : By New Horizons ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons In simple terms, a pixel is the smallest unit in a graphical image. A graphical image is one where thousands of pixels arranged in rows and columns and they are so small that they appear connected. Now a grayscale image like above has a storage value for each and every pixel where the pixel value can range from 0 (complete black) to 255 (complete white). So if we do a math this image has total 65536 pixels (256 x 256). Now since every pixel can have 256 different value (0 to 255) there can be total of 16777216 (256 * 65536) images from all black images to all white images. 16777216 is a huge number and we get a lot of images, but all the images are not perfect. There might be some useless images too which has lot of noises. However the important thing is "All your b/w images can be created using the single image" which means in this 16777216 images there will be an image of you when you are born, a image of that school going kid, the picture of you now and also an image of you when you will get old. It will contain all the images which shows the world at its origin as well as when it will end. Picture of every animal which would ever exist. And it is very easy to write a program which shows each and every picture. The algorithm of the program will be simple you have to create an image with starting value of all the 65536 pixels as 0 and then you need to change one pixel at a time. Note: 256 pixels is chosen as a random number. Only a few of 16777216 images will be perceivable to the human eye that means a lot of images will not have any meaning. Creating all the images is not realistic as it will take years to process. It is just a theory but not a realistic thing to do.

    📷 #ColorChallenge - Tuesday Orange - A Source Of Light 📷

    October 03, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone

    My today's entry for #colorchallenge by @kalemandra

    A Source of Light in Dark House
    There might be a small bulb, but it gives the light to the whole surrounding of the house. Same way there might be a lot of things which appear small in real life but has a great impact on someone's life.
    Camera - Nokia 6, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    📷 #ColorChallenge - Monday Red- Red Flower 📷

    October 02, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone
    My entry for today's #colorchallenge by @kalemandra

    A Red Flower

    ![IMG_20170926_142749.jpg]( ![IMG_20170926_142732.jpg]( ![IMG_20170926_142816.jpg]( ![IMG_20170926_142846.jpg]( ![IMG_20170926_142912.jpg](
    Camera : Nokia 6, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    Let's Discuss Does Flexibility At Work Matters

    October 01, 2017

    Will you agree with my statement that Flexibility at work is important?, if Yes why so and if No why not. I totally agree with it that Flexibility at work is important. It is one of the most important things now-a-days besides salary and benefits when you look out for a job. People tend to hunt those jobs which are more flexible including the salary. I know salary comes first, but flexibility is also what job-seekers want when they try to get a new job. ![]( PC: Pixabay Flexibility can be anything like flexible working hours, ability to work from home, parental leave (both maternity and paternity leave), casual dress code etc. You will have higher job satisfaction when you have flexibility at work. Then you do not have to sit idle for 8 hours even though you do not have work and also you can finish your work on your terms and not bound to a 9-5 work culture. There are lots of reasons why people love Flexibility at work and they are 1. Expansion of Opportunities - Today's workplace environment if very fluid that means an employee is considered as a valuable asset if he can able to adapt in any situation, thus having flexibility gives you that extra time to explore opportunity which you do not get in normal working hours. Just like I do Steemit, whenever I have time in my workplace. 2. Work-Life Balance - Flexibility at work also means a better work-life balance by offering a chance to balance your time between work and life. One more example of work-life balance would be working from home option, in that way you will find yourself more productive than working from the office. In home, there will be less distraction like you do not have to deal with frequent check-ins or loud noise. 3. Enough Parenting Time - This one is not for everyone, but mainly for the new parents. This will help you to take your time off from work for other more important things in life. Taking parental leave is such that option. The advantage of taking leave or working from home for an extended period will help the bonding between the family. 4. Casual Dress - If a person does not like working in a suit or a tie on your neck you should not force that person. You should allow a person to be comfortable while working. These are my thoughts that flexibility at work matters because then the person will be much more active and help the organization grow. Please comments your thoughts as well.

    Follow @codingdefined

    Sky, Earth and Water on One Frame

    October 01, 2017

    This image was taken on my visit to Kerela, India. The significance of these photos is that you will see all the components in on frame i.e. Sky with Clouds, Earth with Trees and the Water. ![](


    Camera - Nokia 6, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    BWPhotoContest : Theme #animals - Lion, 2nd Entry

    September 30, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone
    This is my 2nd entry for the BWPhotoContest organized by @daveks

    A Lion
    The image was taken on my visit to Bannerghatta Botanical Park

    Camera : Nokia 6 with Zooming, Converted to B/W

    Follow @codingdefined

    #ColorChallenge - Friday Blue - Blue Sky and A Lake

    September 29, 2017


    Namaste, Have a great day everyone. My entry for today's #colorchallenge by @kalemandra is a Landscape in Udaipur. This image was taken on my Visit to Udaipur last month.

    Camera : Motorola X Play, No Editing

    Follow @codingdefined

    Let's Learn How to Create a Portfolio Page

    September 28, 2017

    You might have seen a lot of awesome portfolios on the internet and always wonder how to do it. Here I will show you the simplest method where you can be up and running with your Portfolio Page in minutes and even without spending a single penny. That's sound awesome right, let's go through it and create awesome looking Portfolio Page. ![]( ### What all you need?

    You do not have to have a lot of tools to get started, just a GitHub Account ( You might want to know what exactly is Github. Github is a web-based Git or simply Version Control Repository where you can host your code. The advantage of using GitHub is that it tracks all the changes which you have done on your repository so that you can go back to the code to look what was there in the previous version. For creating the portfolio page you do not need a lot of Coding experience just a basic HTML, CSS will do. Anyway, I will be creating a demo Portfolio Page which you can use it and start building your awesome Portfolio. At first, create an HTML file and a CSS file. I am not going to paste my code here as it will make my post unnecessary long. If you want I have created a demoPortfolio Repository on Github which you can access from Now once you have the repository, head straight to ![]( And then to Github Pages section and select the Source as master branch. (Branch is useful for creating different version of the codebase like Master, Dev, Stage, etc.) ![]( When you do that and click Save, you will see that Your Site is ready and it is published at some URL. Mine is When I open the URL I can see my Portfolio is Live. ![]( Woohoo!!! Without any server knowledge or much coding I have created my portfolio page. Now lets say you have your domain, you can aslo link your domain to this URL. Going Back to the Code, what all you need to change to create your Portfolio. 1 - Change the Image of the Portfolio at line number 29. Just change the src and you are good. ``` ```
    2 - Now from Line 32, change the text whatever you would like to show as per your portfolio. ```

    Welcome To CodingDefined's

    I am a Proud Indian working as a developer in the tech hub of India (Bangalore). I help people to get up and running with the latest technology. I am also a blogger who loves to write about technology and programming. When I am not programming then you can see me roaming around the streets of Bangalore with my Nokia 6 mobile camera to get a cool snap. I believe in helping people in whatever way I can.

    3 - Similar to the Step 2 you need to change the Skills you are familiar with at line 43. ```
  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

  • ASP.Net

  • Node.js

  • ```
    4 - Now at last change the social networks to point at your networks at line 82. Only change the URL from below ``` Facebook | Google Plus | Youtube | Steemit ```
    Pretty Much That's it, you are ready to publish your Portfolio Site. Please let me know if you face any issues while publishing yours.
    Follow @codingdefined

    Do you want a Sponsored Curation featured in the Curation Digest for free (Worth 3 STEEM)?

    September 28, 2017

    We started [Sponsored Curation]( a few weeks ago and we have had some great sponsored posts already. A Sponsored Curation allows you to bypass the competition of over 100 posts daily and get a guaranteed spot in our daily [Curation Digest]( for 3 STEEM. ##

    I want to sponsor your next awesome post for free!
    ![Font1RedBig (160).png](

    All you have to do is resteem our Curation Digest and we will pick a winner on a regular basis. The more resteeems, the more we will hand out. We will contact you if you win and ask you for your favorite recent post that you want entered into our digest. Don't forget to upvote it while you are at it! Reading 100+ posts a day and chosing the best five (5) takes a lot of work. Resteeming and upvoting the Curation Digest allows us to continue doing this on a daily basis. Make sure you are following us, we got some awesome news coming!
    ![]( As always, our posts are 100% power-up, all Steem Powered earned goes to growing our reward pool so we can give you bigger upvotes!
    Let's take this to the moon!
    ![]( Image Source: [1](