Habits that leads to Depression and how to come out of it
If you ever felt hopelessness( felt like there is no hope for anything happening good) then you have experienced the ill effects of depression. It is appropriate for me too say that depression is like an illness where it takes all the energy and pleasure out from you. There are many thing that can lead you to depression.
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In this post we will figure out what are the main habits that leads you to depression.
1 : Lack of Exercise - Do you aware of how much important is exercise for our body, not only physical but also for your mental health. Have you ever gone for a walk in the evening or in the morning, there is so much energy outside that will make you feel alive. Staying in home all day and not doing any physical activity can lead to depression.
You will become lazy and become oversize which again can lead to depression becuase it will reduce the confidence you have in yourself.
To come out of depression - The simple remedy of coming out of depression is to start exercise. I am not telling you to go and hit the gym and become a bodybuilder. But a casual walk in the morning or evening can make a monumental difference if you are suffering from depression.
2 : Sleeping Habits - If you have a poor sleeping habits then that situation is ideal for depression. It is necessary for human body to get atleast 7 hours sleep daily. That does not mean that you should sleep anytime and make that 7 hours, you should have a proper sleeping routine. Lack of sleep will make you agitated thus eventually leads you to depression. Again if you are stressed you will not get the sleep you want.
To come out of depression - Sleep at least 7-8 hours daily with proper routine like 10 PM sleep and 6 AM wakeup. If you take enough rest your mind is always clear and then it helps you to reduce the stress as well.
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3 : Isolation State - Keeping oneself in Isolation is one more habit of getting depressed. When you start avoiding friends and family, then you are getting into a situation which is ideal for depression. It is worst thing for an individual to be alone or to be isolated.
To come out of depression - Talk to friends and families atleat once a day. Talk about all the positive thing happen in a day, it is always important to be connected with other people no matter whatever situation you are in.
4 : Dont' think too much - Negative thinking about anything is the major cause of depression. It is like a cancer to keep thinking about whatever has happened. See, you cannot change anything whatever has happened but by over-thinking about that you are doing more damage to yourself. These things are out of your control and by just thinking you cannot change it and eventually it will make you depressed.
To come out of depression - Always try to redirect your attention to more positive things in your life than the things you cannot change. If you cannot ignore the fact, then what you should write whatever you have in mind and flush it. It will make you feel better.