Everyone wants their life to be relaxed and an easy one, but everyone does not have a privilege of getting it. Though it's not about the condition you are in, it's about how you can make it. That's true it is in your hand to make your life as you want whether to be stressful or a relaxing one.
You might be wondering, how? let me go through it by points and once you follow those you will feel lighter and happier.
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First and foremost, forget your past whether it was a good one or a bad one. No amount of happiness or sadness or even guilt can help you in your present or future and it's not gonna change your past. What is past is past, you have to live in present. Though you can keep the lesson learnt to not do it again, but keep that only mind and not keep anything else. It will not do anything good to you.
Keep your thoughts revolving around yourself because there is saying your mind can make you or break you. Nothing else matters the most than you, so you should have to keep yourself happy rather than others. Your friends, families, kid, wife all will be there and instead of finding happiness always for them will not do any good to you, you have to find happiness for you too. As you know happy mind will make you lead a fruitful life.
Also adding to the above points you have to play your responsibilities well, that means you have to take care of all of them who all are dependent on you. These are the principles of life, that is loyal to yourself as well as everyone who is around you.
Another problem with the human mind is worrying about something. Always believe in your ability and because worry cannot change your destiny but you can. If you are lacking try to give some effort in improving it.
Last but not the least, Laugh it Off. You might be thinking I am crazy to say but just try it out, Laughing it off is the best remedy to be happy and to make your relaxing. But that's the catch you have to understand, why your mind is not relaxed because either you are stressed or worrying about anything, but tell me will worrying or stressing out will do any good. A Big Noo. Laugh it Off will surely do.
Now if you start practicing to keep the above points in your daily routine, surely you will see that your mind and body is much more relaxed and you will yourself lighter.
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